What are the chances of damaging the board (Pi and Arduino) if I do the circuit wrong? Asking this, as I'm a newbie to electronics and if I mistakenly do anything wrong and power it up.
What are the chances of damaging the board (Pi and Arduino) if I do the circuit wrong? Asking this, as I'm a newbie to electronics and if I mistakenly do anything wrong and power it up.
When i connect my components doing electronics projects, i end up burning IC's. So I suggest you to read the link and use the fix befoer doing anything wrong
10 Ways to Destroy an Arduino : Application Note ANCP01
PS: I even burnt a solar panel [small one for a project] when trying to charge a battery, from then i came to know why exactly Diode is used
Wow..!! That's really great
I must learn basics as fast as possible. Hope I can utilize the festive season holiday coming
U-Boot's job is simply that of a desktop computer bootloader. Load an operating system.1.Is Uboot/Any bootloader the only thing used to initialize the hardware in board?
Can we initialize hardware later in kernel space from linux?
Do we have to initialize them again from user space though drivers written inorder to use them?
In Linux, you can mess around with the hardware by editing simple text files.2.I am just confused how hardware pins maps to registers and peripherals are initialized?
Are they done in user space or driver or bootloader?
When i compare with microcontroller i get confused.In microcntroller we only have a C language
code with infinite while(1){} loop.Before that Oscillators ,Ports ,peripherals are initialized.
Howz that done by Beagleboard and at what stage?
Embedded Linux platforms like Beaglebone, Raspberry Pi etc are NOT microcontrollers. They are like your normal desktop computers.3.How does processor know that our Uboot binary is at particular SPI flash?
I mean how is the processor configured/initialized before loading boot-loader to ram i.e the moment we power on?
This will tell you more - BeagleBone Black: BBB - Working with the PRU-ICSS/PRUSSv2 - element144.Why do we have some co processor in beaglebone?Is it to program the SPI flash though Serial/USB?
Any specific site you would like to recommend for learning electronics basics? Though I'm doing that by googling around, managed to learn how breadboard is designed internally, which helped me understand how can I connect components and all. Need to know more and more
Came to know basic things of basic components like Resistors, Capacitors, Diode and all
You see, I'm still struggling on basic electronics as I'm not from that background
You see, I'm still struggling on basic electronics as I'm not from that background