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The new MacBook!

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Boom Boom Boom
Has Apple sued Psystar yet? How come Psystar still shows their hackint0shes? I thought those are illegal!
Man is Apple acting slow. We can't be back in the days of Power Computing!


Aspiring Novelist
And, in any case, these corporate suits are hardly about proving what is wrong and what is right. It’s all about the money and your intellectual assets.
I am buying an iTunes account.Are there any initial charges that we are required to pay?Does the Indian itunes store work with the apps store?


 Macboy
You can't buy an iTunes account. You can only link up your credit card to it. No initial fees. No recurring fees. You pay for what you buy.

Of course, if you buy a gift card then its a different matter.
Right now I have a US iTunes account.I got it using some prize code from some site.Is it likely to terminate after some period or is it permanent.I got this account for downloading free apps.


Right now I have a US iTunes account.I got it using some prize code from some site.Is it likely to terminate after some period or is it permanent.I got this account for downloading free apps.

Its permanent ! Don't worry ! You'll even be sent a Receipt for each Free Application that you download :p
Can I update my iPhone 3G on my own or will I have to run to the Airtel store to get it updated?
Does pwnage tool work properly with iPhone 3G?


Techtree Reviewer
You can do it on your own through iTunes. And don't use Pwnage tool as it is required to jailbreak/unlock your iPhone. It would void your warranty.


 Macboy
No talk of jailbreaking here. Sunny miserabled for a while.

@jamesbond: Have you tried Leech? Very simple and efficient download manager.
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