The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

gx_saurav said:
From this guided tour u can find out 2 things...
... and it's a shame that you found one of them wrong.

gx_saurav said:
1) Leopard will need more then 9 GB of harddisk space to install
The installer clearly says, "Installing this software requires 5.6 GB of space." I know it might be a bit difficult to understand for you, but you see, 5.6 is not equal to 9. Not at all. 9 is preceded by 8, 7, 6 and then 5. 5.6 is somewhere between 5 and 6, which is quite different from 9. Try to read this sentence a few times slowly. I'm sure it will start getting easier once you get the concept. Best of luck!

gx_saurav said:
2) It will take 2 hrs to install, as the guy demonstrating Leopard clearly says "Leopard will take about 1-2 hours to install, so you can go get a cup of coffee or go for a walk"
He did say that it might take an hour or two, but I have already installed Leopard twice and it has taken around forty minutes or so each time. I highly doubt it will take "an hour or two". Then again, mine is a fairly high end machine, so I'm not too sure about other older Macs.


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

forty minutes ... vista takes 25 :lol: seriously vista takes 25 mins flat with u setting the date time everything ;)


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Great! We have a contender for the Nobel Prize then.


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
The installer clearly says, "Installing this software requires 5.6 GB of space." I know it might be a bit difficult to understand for you, but you see, 5.6 is not equal to 9. Not at all. 9 is preceded by 8, 7, 6 and then 5. 5.6 is somewhere between 5 and 6, which is quite different from 9. Try to read this sentence a few times slowly. I'm sure it will start getting easier once you get the concept. Best of luck!

Try to read the following pages.

Leopard System requirments according TUAW

Here are the minimum specs your Mac will need to run Leopard, according to Apple:
  • Intel, G5, or 867MHz+ G4 processor
  • 512 megs of RAM (though if you only have 512 megs of RAM you should get some more. Trust me, I'm a pundit)
  • DVD drive (Leopard is shipping on a DVD, and your Mac needs to read it to be able to install it)
  • 9GB of free disk space (though I bet if you customize the install and leave out all those printer drivers and extra languages you can save lots of space)
In addition some features have further requirements:
  • Time Machine requires a hard drive in addition to your boot disk (external or internal is fine, I would imagine)
  • Photo Booth requires a camera of some kind (shocking!) and a processor better than a G4. If you want to do those wacky backdrop effects you'll need an Intel Core Duo or faster
  • Screensharing requires a speeding net connection (300 Kbps is Apple's recommendation)
  • DVD player requires a 1.6GHz or better proc for super cool de-interlacing (I hate interlacing!)

What the hell...DVD player requirment is 1.6 GHz, what they hell is Apple doing with DVD player, PowerDVD 7 works fine with a 1 GHz Pentium 3.

Leopard System requirments by ARStechnica
In case you hadn't noticed: as of the 26th, there will be a new cat in town. Along with a release date, Apple unleashed some new information about Leopard. The system requirements are now official: any Intel or PowerPC G5 Mac, or a G4 running at a minimum of 867MHz. Nice knowing you, G3s and sub-867MHz G4s. The minimum RAM is 512MB—but you'll want some more if you intend on actually running applications. And you need a DVD drive plus 9GB disk space. Some of the included applications have additional requirements, such as an external HD (sold separately) for Time Machine.

I have already installed Leopard twice and it has taken around forty minutes or so each time.

Why oh why I don't want to compare it to Windows Vista's installation time, 25 mins on my 4 years old computer, 20 mins on a spanking new C2D :D


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Hunh! Twenty minutes, my foot! Bunch of liars!

I've installed Vista six-seven times already. It takes about an hour or so.

As for the disk space usage, you said that, "From this guided tour u can find out 2 things...". Nowhere in the guided tour is it mentioned that Leopard needs nine gigabytes of hard disk space.


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

arya 1 hour ... pure bull **** .... absolute bull **** 1 hour u guys seriously dont know how to use windows man or even install it


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
Hunh! Twenty minutes, my foot! Bunch of liars! I've installed Vista six-seven times already. It takes about an hour or so.

Arya, I can littrally tell u something is wrong with your Mac & bootcamp. My 4 years old computer which is much slower then your laptop hardware wise installs Vista is 25 mins flat. Do u want a 25 mins video of that taken from my phone?

Vista doesn't actually installs. It simply extracts the pre-installed image from the installation DVD, then reboots & detects your hardware. Then it removes whatever that doesn't apply to your hardware. This is why it needs 15 GB to install vista but after installation it is only 7 GB here.

Hey, why did u bother installing Vista this many times, if according to u it sux :D
As for the disk space usage, you said that, "From this guided tour u can find out 2 things...". Nowhere in the guided tour is it mentioned that Leopard needs nine gigabytes of hard disk space.

Oh my god....such a stupid mistake...why didn't i post links to to system requirment page. :D


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

1 hour .... dude ur mac is messed up .... 1 hour :lol: dont tell ne 1 who has installed it takes 1 hour to install vista they will laugh at u like this :lol:


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

gx_saurav said:
Arya, I can littrally tell u something is wrong with your Mac & bootcamp. My 4 years old computer which is much slower then your laptop hardware wise installs Vista is 25 mins flat. Do u want a 25 mins video of that taken from my phone?
Yes, I do. (Twenty to twenty five already.)
How can I be sure though, that you won't doctor the video?

gx_saurav said:
Hey, why did u bother installing Vista this many times, if according to u it sux :D
It does, but I unfortunately have to shoulder the boring responsibility of serving as the tech support guy for my family and friends and one of those dreaded tasks is re-installing Windows every few months (weeks?). I am fast losing touch with the Windows world though (and along with that, my expertise in fixing it) and hopefully will soon be able to truthfully say, "I have no idea how to fix that ****!" :D

iMav said:
dude ur mac is messed up
Yeah, sure. If Vista takes time to install, it is the fault of my Mac (even though I wasn't installing it on my Mac in the first place). Riiight...


Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Great! We have a contender for the Nobel Prize then.

BTW I don't understand why the Win Fanbois conveniently ignore to respond to any post where they have been Pwned..

As for the entire discussion on which OS takes longer to install, how the hell does it matter?
It (at least ideally) should be a one time task so if it takes 30 mins or 1:30 mins, how does it matter?

Having said that, I haven't had a need to re-install OS X in the last ~2 yrs that I have bene using it
As for my windows, I don't have an exact count, but it's around 3 for my windoze machines on an average...

By the way why are we even talking of Vista...
I like using OS X, I like using XP too
But I, and a majority of users absolutely detest using that POS OS Vista....
Why is that even being bought in the discussion?
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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

superczar said:
As for the entire discussion on which OS takes longer to install, how the hell does it matter?
It (at least ideally) should be a one time task so if it takes 30 mins or 1:30 mins, how does it matter?
Exactly. I am one hundred percent sure Leopard takes less time to install than Vista does but even if it was the other way round, who the hell cares! In the entire twenty minute video showing off some of the coolest features of Leopard, the only thing this guy noticed was "an hour or two".

Oh, and I'm sure you'll agree with me that installing Windows is by no means whatsoever "a one time task". :)

In other news, the in-built grammar check in Leopard sucks. Complete crap (which is probably why it is turned off by default).

superczar said:
By the way why are we even talking of Vista...
I like using OS X, I like using XP too
But I, and a majority of users absolutely detest using that POS OS Vista....
Why is that even being bought in the discussion?
Trust me, I don't have a freakin' clue.

I've been trying to keep this discussion out of Windows-land forever but these guys keep popping in with stupid posts.
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Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

In the entire twenty minute video showing off some of the coolest features of Leopard, the only thing this guy noticed was "an hour or two"
The reason is simple Arya, Since a windows user knows that a reinstall a quarter is what is needed to keep a windoze machine chugging alone (and saurav/imav, don't refute this) so this becomes an important parameter in judging an OS


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
Yes, I do. (Twenty to twenty five already.)
How can I be sure though, that you won't doctor the video?

Don't be sure....I can't help it.

Yeah, sure. If Vista takes time to install, it is the fault of my Mac (even though I wasn't installing it on my Mac in the first place). Riiight...

U never mentioned that u were not installing it on Mac. U got an Intel Mac with bootcamp, so by default I assumed that u were installing & pirating on Mac via bootcamp. But still...the lowest computer on which I have installed Vista is a Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz with 512 MB RAM & GeForce FX 5200 graphics card & it installed in 25 mins flat.

On My computer, It was installed in 25 mins. I checked this last year specifically when I was installing Vista RTM for the first time. You can ask anyone in the forum how much time it takes for him to install Vista, it will be maximum 35 flat...not more then that with 512 MB RAM

I'm sure you'll agree with me that installing Windows is by no means whatsoever "a one time task".

That could be attributed to the reason & fact that u don't know how to use Windows.


 Macboy
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

[weird sht happening to my posts...]

So what if the install completes in 25 mins? Or 5 mins? Does it make a difference? The very fact that every time you have to reinstall will more than make up for those 45 mins that Leopard takes to install. And the disk space? What's 9GB? Vista doesn't take any less.

Time Machine requires an external drive? Well of course it does! What else kind of backup solution would it be! It's idiot proof. To prevent idiots from backing up to the internal drive and then wondering where all their data went...

Also didn't you read my earlier post about Vista hiding 11GB odd in the for of dump files? It's as if Vista takes a crap every time on my PC and I have to clean it up..
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Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

I wonder why the windoze fanbois not replying to any of my posts...Cat got your tongue? :D


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

which posts kyon ro raha hai yaar ... bolna tera kya doubt ... poochna bindaas ... tension nahi pooch


Wire muncher!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

From the system requirements, I see Leopard requires 9 GB free disk space. Vista requires 15GB free disk space. That doesn't meant Leopard will take up all the 9 GB and Vista will gobble up those 15GBs.

Install time??? Its subjective. Say I haf a C2Q 6850, 3GB RAM, 750GB SATA2 HDD but an 8x DVD ROM or a 20x DVD ROM but a scratched DVD or a f***** up lens in the DVD ROM or just an ATA 66 HDD. Will any OS install in under 15mins in such a case?

I'm amused at the level of discussion (rather, argument). Don't you guys haf anything better to do. All of you speak as if this is the deciding factor in buying an OS!! And MS or Apple is doomed if their OS doesn't install in under 25mins!


The Devil's Advocate
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

apple is doomed ms still manages 25 mins :D
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