Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.
Woo wo wo boy, whats going on? Now that we mentioned othe lacks of MacOS X here publically why r u blasting on me? You told us "Try MacSO X for once & then say". Well here we are trying Mac & disecting it.
aryayush said:
I am utterly shocked that both of you had trouble finding a simple folder that is right there in the main drive itself. Whoa! The least you could have done was search for it using Spotlight.
I mentioned him to do the same to find it by writting "Application" in spotlight
Oh, and Windows has? You can delete something from the recycle bin and then get it back without using any third party software? No, you cannot.
Yes we can, ever heard of system restore or Volume shadow copy or Previous version.
(though not a lot because developers generally do not bother to make products that compete with applications bundled with Mac OS X because, unlike Windows, it ships with some of the best applications on the Mac platform).
What the.....what kind of statement is that? Developers do not like to make application for Mac, do not like giving users good or better choice cos there is already a Media Player in Mac

. If this is the developer philosophy then why the hell Winamp, Jet Audio, MusicMatch, Foobar came for Windows?
You mean to say iTunes is a perfect media player? News flast arya, it only plays 2 audio formats out there, the architecture is locked unlike Directshow of Windows or Gstreamer/XINE of Linux in which you can make any Directshow or XINE based codec & any compatible media player will play it.
Even Quicktime plays WMA/WMV with Flip4Mac but iTunes doesn't when Quicktime & Itunes both have the same quicktime engine using Core audio to play audio stream
It is extremely surprising that you managed to claim that you have used Macs loads of times when you do not even know where the Applications folder is. There must be some sort of limit to how much a person can lie, I'm sure...
Umm...did u bothered to read what I said?

I said, I don't know where application folder is in the sidebar (i refered to it as Quicklaunch folder of WIndows), once it is gone from sidebar I had no idea how to bring it back. Obviously it is in root just like Linux.
It's been more than eight months since I bought it and I have tried almost every sort of application, hack and plug-in out there. Leave alone re-installing,
Now clearly you are lieing, you mean you used system hacks, modified bin's etc & your Mac didn't not crashed even once.
That is impossible dude. Even I used all sorts of hacks & shell patches in Vista and it never gave me a BSOD :-"
Oh, and BTW, Mac OS X generally works best in the default state because Apple designs it in the best way possible. You yourself are saying that is not the case with Windows.
News flash again, we are in Windows world.
We do not care how Windows is made, we make it or mod it the way we want it. It is our computer & we own it. We do know that using Shell packs etc might result in problem but who cares when we can just boot in safe mode & uninstall

MacOS X works good in default mode, ok..fine, I don't like the default I m going to make it look or work the way I want it. Is there something wrong in doing this?
If I don't like the black color of my Bike I will buy paint from market & paint it in blue & green, simple. But I do know that if there is a problem or if the looks look weird I can always buy black paint & paint it back to how it was.
2. Command + Click on the little icon in the title bar of any window and it will reveal the path. This is the little feature that spawned the idea of bread crumb navigation in Vista.
Lolz...I just tried this, it is not even remotely close to bread crumb bar
Users' stupidity is not Apple's fault. I requested in the beginning itself that you should keep your negative comments about Mac OS X to yourself.
This is a little place for fans of the OS, like me.
Tsk tsk

. So if we ask a Question
about Mac it is a crime here
Do not indulge yourself in all this stupidity. Use some simple common sense.
Yo, he is not using a Macintosh. He is using a PC which means both NTFS & HFS Partitions. THis also means that if he copies everything to Mac drive, the moment MacOS X malfunctions BOOM all files are gone cos Windows doesn't read this partition (his other dual boot OS)
You yourself are saying that you can play it with the help of Flip4Mac and VLC Media Player and that you say that "there is no way to play WMA in MacOS". Are you normal?
Boy are you normal? Or do u know how things work?
VLC Player plays WMA in Mac, because it comes with it's own engine & codecs using which doesn't depends on the Mac multimedia architecture.
Flip4Mac playes in Quicktime, is Quicktime a Music Player? iTunes is but despite of using Quicktime engine & sharing same decoders it doesn't plays WMA Files.
In both cases Mac cannot play the 3rd Most used audio format out there, out of the box. Is that normal?
BTW, you can use some application like Switch to convert your music from the crappy WMA format into something a little better and iTunes compatible.
No sorry, i won't convert. Don't want to have 2 copies of same songs in my HD & don't want to retag everything again. Any other method? I talked about Winamp cos it also comes with it's own audio & video engine & is better suited to play Audio then compared to VLC.
gx_saurav, we all know your opinion about Mac OS X. Please keep your sordid thoughts to yourself or post them in other threads. We are not interested in hearing your rants over here. The next post you make criticising Mac OS X will be ignored, at least by me.
Consider that a warning in advance. I'm glad to help out with any problem you guys encounter while using Mac OS X, but I have no intention of putting up with posts that lack common sense that you can find even in a dead man's brain!
OMG ...what do I see here. Is it anger cos I pointed out the shortcomings in Mac which according to you never existed.

. Thanx for your warning boy, i guess i m in the eyes of
the mod now.
Everything configued now it seems? There was this app I found Which can make any application go full screen. Will PM you.
@ arya
We are using MacOS X now on PC. Now we are using this OS so mind helping us in using it properly ? It doesn't matter if I m not using in on a Macintosh, I know the stability issues but that aside...mind helping me making it work according to my choice. I asked for a music player you told me a site, well....go to & you can fine many mp3 players for Windows too, right.