3DS Max is not the only software that does three dimensional rendering anyway. All of Pixar’s films have entirely and exclusively been made on Macs and we all know that no one knows about 3D animation more than the folks at Pixar do.
Is there any use of backup,i mean i am not such a fool that ill go deleting files like crazy and OS X is quite stable and i don't think it'll crash unexpectedly and I'll loose all my data.
It is almost assured, like 99.99%, that OS X will never do any damage to your data—like crash beyond repair or delete an entire folder of important documents for no reason whatsoever, stuff like that.
However, hard disk drives crash. It’s in their nature. It’s a limitation of that particular piece of hardware and there’s nothing Mac OS X or any other operating system in the world can do to prevent that.
What you
can do, however, is backup your data. It is important to have a backup copy or two of your system, no matter which operating system and computer you’re using. Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard comes with Time Machine, an automated backup solution that backs up your entire system every hour, constantly, automatically and without any interference.
All you need to do is buy an external hard disk drive with a capacity slightly more than the one built into your system and connect it to your Mac. Time Machine will automatically ask you if you want to use that drive for backup and, once you click on yes, it will take it from there.
From then on, whenever you delete a file and want it back, make some changes in some document that you don’t want saved but accidentally do so, etc., you can launch Time Machine and fetch a copy of that file from the past, when it was undeleted or unchanged. Plus, when your internal hard disk drive fails (it’s bound to one day), you can have your Mac outfitted with a new one and then restore your entire system from your backup drive.
So yeah, backup is important and with Leopard, Apple has taken care of that aspect. To know more details about Time Machine, though there isn’t much else to know, check out Apple’s website.