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The new MacBook!

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Aspiring Novelist
It's another matter altogether that there's no chance of it turning out to be true, of course. Even if it does and it looks exactly as it does in this picture, rest assured that Steve Jobs will have us believe that it's the next best thing to sliced bread. :p

Do you guys use any webapps at all?


 Macboy
I use Facebook, some kind of dictionary, then the Google News iPhone interface, iPhlickr (sometimes), Remote Buddy interface.

And anyone out here who installs that Vista skin will get the cold shoulder from the people in this thread.


Aspiring Novelist
I have Dictionary, Evernote, Hahlo and meebo. I want to fill the screen but can't think of anything to add. Man, I'm so impatiently waiting for iPhone software v2.0. I'm already bored of Installer.


 Macboy
Hey you too on Evernote! That thing is just plain awesome. How it scans through all that stuff, beyond me. And yes, there's nothing interesting in Installer. The games are total crap. I only have iSolitaire installed (long time Windows addiction). I so want to play that jet fighter game Apple demoed at the SDK announcement. :)

ex3n1us m4x1mus
Which dictionary do you people use ?
And EverNote has an iPhone interface ? What's the link ? And how'd you use it via the iPhone anyway ?

Meebo has an iPhone interface too ?

(I'm sorry. I could have checked. But my GPRS enabled SIM is not in my phone at the moment )


Aspiring Novelist
Dictionary: *
Evernote: *
meebo: *

All of the above are iPhone webapps.

I haven't used Evernote yet. Just installed it and stuff. I'll give it a thorough workout tomorrow.

The games are total crap.
Have you tried the two 3D games that have been released in the past week? One was a racing game and the other one, released yesterday or today, is an action game.

They're OK; steps in the right direction.
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Commander in Chief
How it scans through all that stuff, beyond me.
Text scanning is an old thing! Its a neat DSP application ( Digital signal processing, all your images are digital, when you transfer them they are signals, and when something processes these signals its called processing. Just making sure it ain't sounding 'geeky' to you. ;) )

Qipit does something same, and it works well with handwritten notes (Makes it clear to read than just actually retrieve the image you shot)

Try it for free, if its handwritten notes you wish to share/save/retrieve: *


Boom Boom Boom
Is there any website where I can buy Powerbooks? I can have them refurbished but I prefer new ones. Can any of you give me the link to the cheapest one?


Boom Boom Boom
Oh, alright, since I thought I could find a bargain on amazon or google or something...

is it better to buy macbook or mb pro?


The Devil's Advocate
^^ depends on how much you can sheel out based on the config, mbps are around 1L+ INR, most noticeable difference is the multi-touch mouse pad, other than the config & size


 Macboy
Multi-touch pad? Most noticeable difference? How about the Aluminum finish, the illuminated keyboard, the graphics card, the larger (and better) display, the speed.

Anyway, what you should buy depends on what you need it for (and of course, the cash factor). Cheapest Macbook = 55k or so. Cheapest Macbook Pro = 95k or so.


Aspiring Novelist
is it better to buy macbook or mb pro?
If you have the cash, go for the 15-inch MacBook Pro. Opt for the MacBook only if portability is a major issue. :)


[Macworld] The end of the world (Absolutely must read, specially for goobimama, iMav and


The Devil's Advocate
Multi-touch pad? Most noticeable difference? How about the Aluminum finish, the illuminated keyboard, the graphics card, the larger (and better) display, the speed.
well multi-touch pad isn't there in ANY laptop, isn't it? graphics card, illuminated keyboard well that's nothing great.
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