The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Inc.

The new MacBook!

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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

How much did you buy that iBook for?


Booting Nicotine!!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
How much did you buy that iBook for?

got that ibook G4 for 20000/- flat

i fell in love with G4 and it was a on the spot deal i mean the mac guys were gwacking me!

by the way aryayush fast track on mac was nice i just wish it was printed on some good quality paper rest is fine!

i have lend books to many of my mac fans and all liked they all wish to thanks you for sharing the knowledge !
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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Ah, they are you are all quite welcome! It is my pleasure.

The paper quality, of course, I had no control over. :p

Do any of your friends have Macs too?


Booting Nicotine!!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

yeah i have

mine elder brother got so impressed by the ibook that he brought the same for himself

so i have a 12"display Ibook G4 and he has bigger version i think its 14-15" display

i really am looking forward to upgrade the ram and the basic up gradation like the HDD and the DVD rom but i am really clueless as mac are not that much entertained by the local vendors ( i face lots of criticisms when i had brought the mac many fascinated the product other just laughed that there wont be any support for mac ) i am too happy that digit and many other sites are there to help Mac addicts like me now ....

i would really want a mac genius like u aryayush & others to support some newly mushrooming fans like me and my bro..

even thought we didnt know what to do with the many function we atlest try to learn the scripts ( i hav a backgrnd of programming) elder bro is pure business man so his knowledge base depends upon me for any small problems

i wanted to ask

what are most important and essentials .dmgs and peripherals that one need with a G4 ( i mean must have stuffs)

if any body can list them i will be very thankful ...


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

First of all, I'm no Mac Genius. That is just a custom user title I gave myself but it does not mean that my knowledge about Macs is enough for me to qualify as a genius.

Second, where do you live?

Third, there is no such thing as essential DMGs. Basically, you download what you want to use. Two good websites I can recommend are:

And this is from the first page:
aryayush said:
I can recommend these applications I use:
OmniWeb - A very good and beautifully designed (paid) web browser.
Acquisition, Inquisition, NewsFire and Xtorrent - P2P client, Safari search plug-in, RSS reader and torrent client respectively.
Transmission - Free torrent client. Most people, including me, prefer it to Xtorrent.
Adobe Creative Suite 3 - Self explanatory.
Adium - Multi-protocol, free and open source instant messaging client.
Delicious Library - An applications to catalogue your collection of Books, Movies, Music and Games done Mac style. It is a lovely application.
Skype - The native and official Skype client for Mac that has a several times better interface than the Windows version (due to some reason I fail to fathom).
Toast Titanium and Disco - CD/DVD/Blu-Ray burning with style.
Forklift - A much better alternative to the aging Finder.
Cha-Ching - An application to manage your personal finances, one of the most beautiful applications on the Mac platform.
CoverSutra - Global shortcuts for iTunes, integration with and more.
iClip - Multiple clipboard manager.
PandoraBoy - Fan of Pandora Radio? This is an absolute must have.
SuperDuper! - Makes a complete, bootable back-up of your Mac. Absolute must have till Time Machine comes along. No use to you.
TubeSock - Downloading YouTube videos made easy.

Milind is sick right now. When he'll be healthy again, he'll chip in with his own recommendations. If you want an application for doing something and cannot find it, tell me. I'll show you to it. :)


Booting Nicotine!!
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

thanks i am using some software of the free GNU

i am using audium
and microsoft office
camino browser etc

but i am unable to get the photshop Cs3 or any version (for mac) as there are very few vednors..

i am bascially trying to use the free softwares (except microsoft office).. and one most imp thing i misplaced /lost /forgot the orginal cds that came with Mac :( i mean all of them there were like 3 of them one with the Os and all of mine OS X 10.3.09 ! is there any way to get them i mean does anyone has them or a copy or a upgrade to 10.4

I also got this cd partition features as gift from a mac buddy
its ipartition Boot Cd but the problem is that the cd doesnt boot !

i was wishing i had some partition on my hdd so as to organize the data :(

any help with the problem

ahhh i belong to gujarat ( alwasy on move bcoz of jobs demand in gujarat)


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

You can do one thing.

1) I guess you have only 1 big partition in your HD in which Mac OS X is installed. Use iPartiton or Volume Works to make another partition in your Mac HD.

2) Now you have 2 partitions, copy everything that u want to backup to the other HD. In Mac OS X you cannot change the location of Pictures, Music & Movies folder I guess, so make another folder on the new partition & copy files there. Do this to make the Mac's OS partition as slim as possible.

3) Go to disk utility & create a copy of your OS Partition, in the new partition. It will be saved as a very big .dmg file. This is why I said, slim your Mac OS X installation disk. Then burn this into a DVD

4) If you have an external Harddisk, then make a Mac OS X Journled extended partition in that harddisk & use RsyncX to make a complete OS Backup in the external HD's partition.

Some of the essential softwares for Mac OS X which I use. You needs might be differend

1) Uno 1.52....a must have for Mac
2) Maccam, if you have a webcam
3) iGetter download manager
4) Transmission for torrent files
5) Perian 1.0 & FlipforMac
6) AC3 decoder
7) 1Passwd, if you use some browser other then Safari.
8 ) Filecutter
9) Service Scurbber
10) App cleaner, the uninstaller which Apple forgot to bundle.
11) Monolingual & Xslimmer...a must have. This alone will save lots of Harddisk space.
12) Skim PDF reader
13) Stuffit Expander
14) BrunAgain DVD for making multisession DVDs
15) Candybar, shashifter & Pixadex


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

The last three applications can seriously screw your OS X installation. Use with extreme caution.


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
The last three applications can seriously screw your OS X installation. Use with extreme caution.

13) Stuffit Expander
14) BrunAgain DVD for making multisession DVDs
15) Candybar, shashifter & Pixadex

You mean these :confused: r u on pot today?


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

I meant ShapeShifter in particular.

By the way, the part you have quoted consists of a total of five applications. How old do you have to be to learn basic mathematics!


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
I meant ShapeShifter in particular.

:ROFL....plz don't even change the wallpaper on your Mac :D

[/quote]By the way, the part you have quoted consists of a total of five applications. How old do you have to be to learn basic mathematics![/quote]

You said last 3 applications. I selected last 3 options.


Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

if i buy a mac pro...then tht would be as a gift for my gf
thanks to the hype around it


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

gx_saurav said:
You said last 3 applications. I selected last 3 options.

Verizon doesn't know dollars from cents and gx_saurav doesn't know applications from options. :lol:

New Parallels Beta adds support for iPhone, other enhancements
Posted Aug 2nd 2007 9:00PM by Chris Ullrich

I love the iPhone and I love virtualization software like Parallels to run Windows on my Mac. But until now I couldn't get my two loves together if I needed to sync my iPhone with Windows while running it in Parallels. Well, according to the official Parallels blog, that problem may now be a thing of the past due to recent improvements in the software. At the site, they detail information concerning the latest beta release of their software which contains a host of new and improved features.


Among these new and improved features are a fix for Coherence Windows which now will work in Expose' and a fix for the Image Tool to allow it to work with snapshotted drives. Other changes include improvements to the Parallels' Explorer tool which allows you to view information on your virtual hard drive even when Parallels isn't running and, of course, the previously mentioned ability to sync your IPhone with Windows XP or Vista running in Parallels.

All of the other improvements seem like good ones but you're probably asking yourself why would someone want to sync an iPhone with Windows in Parallels when they can just sync it to the Mac OS? Well, the answer is also found at the Parallels blog, as written by Ben Rudolph. "Yes, I realize the irony of syncing an Apple device with Windows running on a Mac, but lots of people need to hook their iPhones up to Outlook. Try not to judge." Sounds reasonable to me.

[Via The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)]

Awesome update! gx_saurav was asking me why I keep Windows around. This is why. I just love to test these awesome new features that keep cropping up at lightening speed in both Parallels and VMWare Fusion.
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You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Why use parallels with Windows to sync iPhone, won't iTunes native do it.


Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Read my post please. You might find the answer somewhere there.

BTW, I have to say something. gx_saurav, for the first time in his life, was right about something related to Macs. UNO is an awesome application and the consistency of sunken unified GUI looks awesome. I have tried various ShapeShifter themes but have always found that the default GUI looks best. So I wasn't too keen to try UNO. However, seeing as Apple themselves are headed in that direction with Leopard, I decided to give it a try. I'm pleased I did. My Mac, if it is even possible, looks sexier than ever before. :)


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
for the first time in his life, was right about something related to Macs
Ah! how ignorant u r. Didn't I corrected u by saying that Apple isn't using EFI from 2001 :rolleyes:

However, seeing as Apple themselves are headed in that direction with Leopard, I decided to give it a try. I'm pleased I did.
Lolz, so you installed UNO just cos Apple is doing the same :D, you really don't know how to customise. An eye opener for you.....


Thats 100% Windows Vista. I didn't change the icons to Ekisho, if I do that...u will say, its 100% Mac OS X :p

This just in. Since Mac OS X does not gives u an option to hide some file or folders, you need a 3rd party application to do this. Presenting Altomac Hide Folders

Altomac Hide Folders

A convenient way to hide personal folders


If you are interested in protecting your documents and folders, Hide Folders is just what you are searching for. With a click you will conceal files and folders with all their contents. The program is simple and natural to use because it works just as you are used to do things everyday with your Mac. With this program you will protect your files avoiding them to be being modified, seen or erased by other users.
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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

Mac OS X does, however, provide the much better and safer option of making encrypted disk images and putting your private files there.

You just arrange your desktop that way for screenshots. It is almost impossible to use Windows without a task bar and a dock instead. What about all your complaints about the dock? What about it not grouping windows together? What about not liking the default look of Mac OS X? Even your wallpaper is the same but with a different hue. This is what I call "thook ke chaatna"!
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You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
Mac OS X does, however, provide the much better and safer option of making encrypted disk images and putting your private files there.

Bitlocker file encryption, Folder security in Vista. Nope u have no idea what they are.

You just arrange your desktop that way for screenshots.
Well, yeah....

It is almost impossible to use Windows without a task bar and a dock instead.

Try on your WIndows installation. We can work even without the taskbar with dock installed :D
What about all your complaints about the dock? What about it not grouping windows together? What about not liking the default look of Mac OS X?

You think I m using that UI & dekstop on my Vista? I did this just to show how much we can mould the Windows UI to our choice or El Jobso's choice.

Even your wallpaper is the same but with a different hue.

Thats a different wallpaper all together :D from deviantart

This is what I call "thook ke chaatna"!

Arya, Some month ago : Consistent UI in an OS is bad. Different skins for different apps make it easier to use & identify.

Arya , today : Consistent UI is good, cos Steve Jobs said so.

This is what I call......"the phrase"

Mac OS X does, however, provide the much better and safer option of making encrypted disk images and putting your private files there.

You mean encrypted partitions? Can I password protect it? Can I hide it from showing in disk utility? Can I hide it from opening by Go->"type address here"
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Aspiring Novelist
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

gx_saurav said:
Bitlocker file encryption, Folder security in Vista. Nope u have no idea what they are.
Did I say you cannot do it in Vista!

gx_saurav said:
You think I m using that UI & dekstop on my Vista? I did this just to show how much we can mould the Windows UI to our choice or El Jobso's choice.
Which just proves my point. The default UI is what works best because the software engineers who wrote the OS have a far better understanding of the software than you do.

gx_saurav said:
Arya, Some month ago : Consistent UI in an OS is bad. Different skins for different apps make it easier to use & identify.

Arya , today : Consistent UI is good, cos Steve Jobs said so.

This is what I call......"the phrase"
1. I have the full right to change my opinion whenever I wish to.
2. I had not seen what a consistent UI looked like before Leopard came along and since the UI on my Mac looked good anyway, I did not bother with the consistency.

The only mistake I did was acknowledge that you were right, for once. I don't know, I just prefer being truthful.

gx_saurav said:
You mean encrypted partitions? Can I password protect it? Can I hide it from showing in disk utility? Can I hide it from opening by Go->"type address here"
Yes. You can make a new disk image from Disk Utility and choose to encrypt it with a password. When you click on the DMG, you'll have to enter the password before it will mount. After it has mounted, it is just like a normal disc/partition. You can open it on other Macs too if you have the password but not on Windows.

I'm not blaming Windows. Don't start again.


You gave been GXified
Re: The official thread for any and all discussion related to Apple Macs.

aryayush said:
The default UI is what works best because the software engineers who wrote the OS have a far better understanding of the software than you do.

Lolz....what a logic. I hope u never talk to Mehul cos he is using Gentoo in a way, the developerd didn't intend to. :D

You can open it on other Macs too if you have the password but not on Windows.

Macdrive 7 FYI
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