The official iPhone thread

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@superczar, many of the reviewers were very much unsatisfied with the phone call quality of the iphone while feeling that the other features were pretty cool... What is your opinion on it?



Broken In
Better wait for Meizu Minione till Feb 2008!
Thats far better option rather than this iphone in terms of price and features.


@superczar, many of the reviewers were very much unsatisfied with the phone call quality of the iphone while feeling that the other features were pretty cool... What is your opinion on it?
i tested the reception against a N73 in a lift and both phones dropped coverage at around the same time

the voice quality on the in-phone speaker is a tad weaker then the N73 while a little better when using the bundled earplugs/headset

I'm sure supercar uncle will let me scroll through a playlist with my fingers...'s superczar
and I guess I am not an ancient uncle character :p

Better wait for Meizu Minione till Feb 2008!
That phone looks like an iphone clone...
I hope it does indeed turn out to be a better phone than the iphone but it would be speculative to pass a judgemennt like that based on the paper specs alone


The Devil's Advocate
czar .... what am i supposed to do with the processor when it cant do basic applications that any freakin 5 grand fone can .... the hardware is good who ever said that the hardware isnt good .... apple always has had good hardware ... be it the mac books; imacs ... hardware is good the finishing is good (outer body) .... the screwup is the software/OS/firmware .... and if u wudv just made an attempt to read what ever has been said with an open eye and not blinded by fanboyism (yes its me who is calling another person a fanboy coz after arya's UI its this guy's processor) then u wudv realized that the bashing apple has been getting is coz of its locking of the iphone; crappy software features :) but alas ur like the horse whose eyes are covered so as to not see the sides and only concentrate what is in front ... and in this case its again the UI of apple (but u chose to talk abt whats behind the UI unlike arya who chose only to talk abt the UI

but hell who cares abt what features the iphone supports .... just look at the 600mhz processor :lol: :oops: i forgot i need to open the iphone to look at the processor and opening the damn thing is another challenge unlike other cell fones that can be easily opend up :) ... which reminds me about the abttery issue :lol: which makes me laugh like this - :lol: .... look at the 600mhz processor and forget everything else :lol:


I am sorry, but I couldn't understand half of what you have tried to communicate in the garbled mess of text in the post above.

I can still try to do a point-by-point rebuttal but the above post convinces me it is useless to argue on this thread....

You can hate the iphone for all I care ( I don't own any apple stocks anyway) but at least try to put forth a logical argument against it

PS: locking of the iphone is no longer an issue, and the third party app dev scene is bustling with activities (google for ibrickr)


The Devil's Advocate
damn simple english is garbled and then they want to argue :lol:

czar ....

what am i supposed to do with the processor when it cant do basic applications that any freakin Rs. 5000 fone can do

the hardware is good who ever said that the hardware isnt good

apple always has had good hardware ... be it the mac books; imacs ... hardware is good the finishing is good (outer body) .... the screwup is the software/OS/firmware (simple english)

and if u wudv just made an attempt to read what ever has been said (in the entire thrad uptill now) with an open eye and not blinded by fanboyism (yes its me who is calling another person a fanboy coz after arya's UI its this guy's processor) then u wudv realized that the bashing apple has been getting is coz of its locking of the iphone; crappy software features but alas ur like the horse whose eyes are covered so as to not see the sides and only concentrate what is in front ... and in this case its again the UI of apple (but u chose to talk abt whats behind the UI unlike arya who chose only to talk abt the UI

(if its this para that u didnt understand then il clarify, in a horse race or even the normal 'taanga' - horse ride .... the horse's eyes have a cover that does not allow them to see on the sides and they can only see what is in front not on the sides) and thats how u r ... looking at the UI and not the other things which go along with a cell fone

but hell who cares abt what features the iphone supports .... just look at the 600mhz processor (u said just look at the 600mhz processor) .... i forgot i need to open the iphone to look at the processor (simple english) and opening the damn thing is another challenge (u cant open the iphone at home without scratching it) unlike other cell fones that can be easily opend up(simple english) ... which reminds me about the battery issue (the battery cant be replaced by u at home ... needs to go to apple) which makes me laugh like this -:lol: (simple english) .... look at the 600mhz processor and forget everything else (simple english)

PS: its easy to just say hey i cant understand when u have nothing to say .... :)


Aspiring Novelist
infra_red_dude said:
^^^ very well said :)

and am glad that after being just 5 posts old you realised wid whom to argue and wid whom not to :)
LOL! Exactly. And I hope you don't give into the temptation of replying to these guys' mess again. Just reading their posts can cause severe stress injuries to your brain (due to the punctuation, grammar and logical loopholes).

If you're in the mood for a hearty laugh (and to understand how this guy's mind works, or doesn't), read this little post. :lol:

superczar said:
I hope it does indeed turn out to be a better phone than the iphone but it would be speculative to pass a judgemennt like that based on the paper specs alone.
That, my dear friend, is the one and only thing they care about. Believe me - the one and only!

iMav said:
if u wudv just made an attempt to read what ever has been said with an open eye and not blinded by fanboyism
You have used an Apple product and you liked it - well, join the ranks of the poor fanboys! :lol:

Do you own a Mac, by the way?


The Devil's Advocate
o! please really dont get into the temptation we have all read arya ... "just look at the UI its cool" statement dont repeat that by just changing the UI to the 600mhz processor ... "oh just look at the 600mhz processor its so cool" :lol:

salesman said:
ou have used an Apple product and you liked it - well, join the ranks of the poor fanboy
:? :confused:


:rofl: that link was hilarious...

Do you own a Mac, by the way?
I use a Mac for my HTPC setup which I am totally in love with...

Having said that, I also use Windows in equal measure and Ubuntu to a lesser extent

Here are my home setup details


Wire muncher!
well imav, its utterly stupid to downplay the comments of a person who's actually used the product; that too by a person who's not seen or touched it let alone using it!! nobody is saying that the iphone is the best product out there. we all know that its legally network locked, doesn't haf mms/video recording facility. he's only sharing his experience wid the iphone. you can't force upon or belittle his PoV.

i'm not an apple fan and don't use any apple products coz i like to freq. upgrade almost all my pc components from time to time and i can't afford to get a new apple pc every 6 months. but as i said, when you criticize something you need to give some logical reasoning.

no doubt, i brand aayush as a mac fanboy (which i'm sure he'll agree too) but rather than branding you (and ur partner in crime) as an MS fanboy, i'd think apply hateboy is the rite word for you. criticize where you should, praise where it deserves!


The Devil's Advocate
infra_red_dude said:
you can't force upon or belittle his PoV.
so cant he or the other salesman .. call me hateboy; fanboy; nething as long as there is a boy/man with it :D ...

for the record i have praised apple where it desrves on more than 1 occassion though u wont find but yes i have :) ... damn i also got my alias with an i


Aspiring Novelist
infra_red_dude said:
i brand aayush as a mac fanboy
My blog's description says, "The online journal of Aayush Arya, an interior designer student by non-profession and a complete Mac fanatic." 'Nuff said. :D

It is difficult for the likes of iMav to comprehend that the experience of using the iPhone is so incredibly good that people are willing to live without the few features it lacks.

@superczar, do visit this thread every now and then. :)


Superczar said:
I use a Mac for my HTPC setup which I am totally in love with...

Having said that, I also use Windows in equal measure and Ubuntu to a lesser extent

Here are my home setup details
imav said:
^^ thats some killer fire power u got on ur wheels and inside ur kingdom
Thanks you...and I am absolutely proud of my setup and my gizmos :)
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The Devil's Advocate
aryayush said:
It is difficult for the likes of iMav to comprehend that the experience of using the iPhone is so incredibly good that people are willing to live without the few features it lacks.
and it is difficult for mac salesman to comprehend with the fact that even though the iphone being a magnificent peice of hardware has been crippled by the firmware/OS it uses :)

PS: it doesnt matter to me whether "people" are willing to live without some features ... what matters is i cant spend 25k for a fone that cant do things that even a 5k fone can :)


Wire muncher!
well it seems so wid every post of urs. let these ppl live in peace. someone comes in and posts his experience about the product and you start the same "ghisa pita rona" again: it doesn't haf mms/video, its software is crippled etc. we all know what are the shortcomings. its really disgusting to see that new members are welcomed in this way at thinkdigit forums.
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