The official iPhone thread

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Right off the assembly line
Sory i was not spamming, i am selling the iphone and thought several ppl are intersted in this thread. Pls delete/move the post if the mod may deem so.

Selling IPhone outside USA is not illegal, it is selling in almost all countries, being shipped from USA. So whoever said should know before he writes.


The Devil's Advocate
Apple breathes huge amount of O2

According to The Guardian, Apple will rake in as much as 40 percent of the revenues generated by O2 customers using the iPhone. This is in addition to the commission and revenue sharing imposed by O2's relationship with Carphone Warehouse. Carphone Warehouse will be the sole retailer for O2-based iPhones in the UK.

"I can't imagine any of the operators agreeing to terms like that," said one UK telecom official. "It is an extraordinary number."

It is believed that Apple receives $3 to $11 per month from AT&T for each iPhone customer in the United States.



The Devil's Advocate

Apple UK Event: O2 Official iPhone Carrier, Arrives Nov. 9

O2 will be carrying the iPhone in the UK, which will arrive Nov. 9 for £269 (8GB model only). Sadly, but not unexpectedly, 3G's still not onboard. To mitigate the EDGE factor, O2's hooking up with The Cloud to put out over 7500 free Wi-Fi hotspots for the iPhone. Speaking of, the Wi-Fi Music Store will launch later this month and be pre-loaded onto the iPhone.

Source: Gizmodo


You gave been GXified
Lolz....U.K. is not U.S.A, a Phone without 3G & that too about $200 more then the U.S counterpart, Britain isn't Apple's playground.

There is no MMS, well.....Jobs said "Who uses MMS when you can email", well seems like Britishers do send 1 million MMS each day in U.K.

Tell me, can I download a files from rapidshare in iPhone & then mail using GMail to a friend on hotmail? I can't cos iPhone won't support saving files to its HD like this.

Just 30% coverage & that too for those people who are used to High Speed 3G network which is there. Its not in U.S.A in a wide amount with AT&T so, ok they skipped it, but what about Europe? 3G Rox here

Why would I pay 269 pounds for something without 3G, MMS, Video, any real smartphone functionality and a crap camera, tied to and an 18 month contract for a minimum of 35 pounds per month.

I doubt it will flop, consumers on the whole are easy to manipulate and Apple has done a very good job of throwinig up a smokescreen around the many flaws in it's products. They have an excellent marketing machine, and a brilliant design team.


OMG..what a ridiculous thread.... (so ridiculous that I actually registered to post a reply)

With absolutely no intentions of inviting flames, I'll just ask a simple question...How many of the iphone bashers on this thread have actually tried their hands on one?

I can bet my life on the fact that the answer is none!!

And if you haven't, how can you form such a strong opinion against something?

It's not just a flashy UI that makes this phone good.
It's a 600mhz processor combined with some very efficient coding coupled with an well thought out UI that makes this phone incredibly more usable than any other phone,,,be it s60 or Win Mobile

and I am saying this after having been a big S60 fan for several years (A 3230 and then a N73ME) and having middled with the bad experience of a Windos mobile phone (ipaq 6365)

BTW I am as geeky as it gets, and just a swanky and flashy UI wouldn't impress me much. What impresses me is the fact that everything on the iphone works as it should
+ with sub second responses to any action, it feels like having moved from a PC trying to run XP on a K6 300 mhz /128 meg RAM to a C2D/2GB RAM setup

ANd I am not gng to reply to any flaming that happens here onwards, but all I'll say is do yourself a favor and try out the device before wasting any further time bashing it....


The Devil's Advocate
^^ if uv read the thread then u might have come across posts which go by the follwing:

"We arent rich enough to buy a device just to try it, our opinions are made and based on the reviews and specs given by users and makers"

u might be rich enough to buy the device to just try it and incase u like it keep it but sorry im not and so arent the many members of the forum who buy to try :lol: what a logic ... buy to try :lol:


You gave been GXified
superczar said:
It's not just a flashy UI that makes this phone good.
It's a 600mhz processor combined with some very efficient coding coupled with an well thought out UI that makes this phone incredibly more usable than any other phone,,,be it s60 or Win Mobile
Tell me, is lack of bluetooth file transfer, video recording, MMS a good thing?


Aspiring Novelist
iMav said:
^^ if uv read the thread then u might have come across posts which go by the follwing:

"We arent rich enough to buy a device just to try it, our opinions are made and based on the reviews and specs given by users and makers"

u might be rich enough to buy the device to just try it and incase u like it keep it but sorry im not and so arent the many members of the forum who buy to try :lol: what a logic ... buy to try :lol:
LOL! I don't think I have to point out the huge, gaping hole in this post. Ha! Ha! :lol:


Aspiring Novelist
Well, it's just that buying a device is not exactly the only way to try it. Ever heard of the phrase "test drive" when buying a car? :lol:

I, however, absolutely do not mean to say that you should try out the iPhone when it comes to India. You shouldn't. I am quoting myself from an email I sent to some people, "Remember that it still has crippled Bluetooth functionality, no video recording capabilities, no 3G... and a lot of other drawbacks. You don't want it. The lower price is just a lure - resist it! C'mon, you can do it. Grab a RAZR or something instead."


The Devil's Advocate
buss a test drive thats ur gaping hole :lol: i thought i had my foot in my mouth somewhere ... i didnt even edit my post where :lol: gaping hole :lol: :lol:


comon guys dont fight now...
the way i look iphone is its an ipod which works as phone..
here it goes..
anyways for an ipod having touch screen is my dream gadget..
so i'll be paying $299 for that(atleast 250 usd at the time i buy)
so now a touch screen ipod working as a phone, i would certainly pay some 20 usd more.. the total price 320 usd...
for a cam which can take decent photos.. i would pay 20 usd so 340 usd now(i know it cant capture videos).. for wifi 20 more.. 360 now..
for edge and bluetooth 20 more so 380
and for the sexy look it has got 20 more.. so comes upto 400 usd.. (the current price of 8gb ipod)
and as per my knowledge java,flash and video capturing etc drawbacks will be fixed by its next software release.. just pray to god so that jobs wont ask us to pay for the software upgrade..


I never said buy need to try it....
forget the fact that it can't do x y or z... (not that there aren't workarounds , and a bunch of 3rd party apps to fill the gaps)

the essential a b & c that it does by default are done so well that it leaves everything else (including the HTC touch and its 200 mhz proccy far behind)

and the non-essntial x y and z (the gaps as you point them) are also handled by it though in the same league as a touch or a s60 phone maybe

from my experience so far,the only thing i find lacking is the lack of a clipboard for which i hope a 3rd party app would come out soon

but trust me when i say this, the hw capabilities of its proccy/memory and OS capabillties are far beyond what any other phone in the market can achieve today
(efficient coding + a 600mhz proccy + 256 MB RAM goes far far beyond what a 200 mhz+- 10% proccy with 64 MB RAM (on a touch and its ilk)can achieve on any OS)

so before you diss the iphone based simply on hearsay (or because it is the in-thing or considered g33ky to do so), do rememeber that there are hard and cold physical specifications of the hardware to back it up to refute any arguments you put forth

though there would really be no need to to refute any arguments if the arguer were to actually go and try the device out and that would shut the arguer up

(think the sub second browser/media player/photo viewer response times vs the let-me-go-take-a leak-and-hope-it-is-done-by-when-i-come-back response times on a windows mobile/symbian phone and you'll know what i mean)
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 Macboy
Don't mean to rude, but who might you be? You seem to be one who has in fact used/own an iPhone... the only member on this forum I guess :)


nothing rude about that qstn...
I am from Chennai, a fairly active member on the techenclave forums, and am using an iphone in chennai
i picked it up on a recent business trip, bought it back to India and unlocked it myself

before this, I was using an ipaq (windows mobile) and subsequently a N73ME (s60) so I have a fair degree of experience on most mainstream smartphone OSs..


 Macboy
Hmm....maybe I should make a trip to chennai... I'm sure supercar uncle will let me scroll through a playlist with my fingers...:)


Aspiring Novelist
LOL! This superczar dude knows what he is talking about and, as a bonus, he seems to have good language skills too. I'm sold. :D

Not that I needed any persuasion anyway! :p

I so want the iPhone, man.
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