the Official Intel Core ix thread for desktops and laptops

Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread

I'd say Windows 7 64-Bit. Much faster than Vista 64-Bit. I've been using Windows 7 64-Bit RC1 for quite some time now and it's much better and faster than any other Windows installment till date.
A sound piece of advice, rest is upto you.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread

naa, i hv jus one Drive (1TB WD HDD) so will follow option-1 :)

Yup, the installation will then go without any hitch & you will get the right boot loader setting after installing vista without any kind of 3ed party soft.

yeah rightly said.. its like wich girl is hotter of the blonde or the brunette ;)

Yup :p :p ( personal preference brunette :p )


For your config, i wud say vista have the hardware so why not?

Right suggestion :p


I'd say Windows 7 64-Bit. Much faster than Vista 64-Bit. I've been using Windows 7 64-Bit RC1 for quite some time now and it's much better and faster than any other Windows installment till date.
A sound piece of advice, rest is upto you.

Windows 7 is going to better than both xp & vista .But it's still in it's RC stage & the final version is not released yet.

I'm suggesting him to wait for the final version coz windows 7 still has some compatibility issues with some apps.

For eg. 3DMark06 is giving me BSOD on windows 7 Rc1 32 bit. But it's running flawlessly on both vista 32 & x64 bit editions.

So as of now I think he should install vista x64 & when windows 7 fianl version will be released he should upgrade to windows 7 x64 :p


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread

I'd say Windows 7 64-Bit. Much faster than Vista 64-Bit. I've been using Windows 7 64-Bit RC1 for quite some time now and it's much better and faster than any other Windows installment till date.
A sound piece of advice, rest is upto you.
is it still available for a free download from MS.. ??? (regarding their 2 million users download limit)

Yup, the installation will then go without any hitch & you will get the right boot loader setting after installing vista without any kind of 3ed party soft.
thanx for tat reply topgear.. :)

Yup ( personal preference brunette :p )
for me, any of the 2 will do.. lol...

Cheers n e-peace....


Right off the assembly line
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread


I am going for a Core I-7 920 based system.
I am not really keen on overclocking but wanted to go for the best
CPU available.

My hardware person wants me to go for the Giga X58 Extreme even if I am not planning to OC it.

Can someone comment plz or any suggestions ???

***I am a casual gamer and want my SYSTEM to be able to run the latest stuff.



Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread


well first of all, i need a budget from u, so it will be easy for me and also for the other guys to guide u the right way.. anyhow this is wat i hv got for u (below) :)

Proc:Core i7 920
Mobo:Gigabyte UD5 (yup, do not go for Extreme if u jus dnt wanna OC it)
RAM:Corsair or OCZ or G-Skill (1GBx3=3GB kit modules, preferably 1333 or 1600 Mhz)
PSU:Corsair TX750 (if u hv a single GPU, it will also handle 2 GPUs easily in SLi for nVIDIA or CrossFire X=CFX for ATi)
GPU:get a min of a GTX275
HDD:WD Caviar Blue 1TB
LCD:Samsung 22" 2233SW(FullHD)---------- The best bang for ur money... :)

This is a rough product estimate as i do not hv a budget of urs.. :)

Cheers n e-peace....


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread

^^ Nice suggestions buddy :p

Though I've some corrective suggestions :p

For GPU don't get anything less than GTX295. Zotac one will cost you around 32K
It's the best one :p

For HDD Get 2x Seagate 1TB in RAID 0 Mode. Rs. 9K maybe.
Get another 1.5TB as backup drive. s. 6.5-7K maybe.

For monitor go for BENQ G24HD model. It's Rs. 12K.

BTW, orange3 Don't forget to tell us your budget.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread


agreed totally, looks like the OP has vanished (looking at the basic config of core i7) :D


Right off the assembly line
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread

Sorry guys...

Was out of town for 2 days. So couldn't reply soon.

Budget was not an issue as I was ready to shell out upto 75k just
for the system, other components were not required.

I have Viewsonic VX 1962 wm, ATI Radeon 4850 and cambridge soundworks 4.1 speakers.

The estimate given to me is costing just under 75k.

The case suggested to me was CM 690.

Other things suggested to me were:

Core I7 920
Giga X58 Extreme
Corsair 6 GB (2 GB * 3) DDR3 1333
PSU - CM 550 Wt
HDD -> Segate 1 TB or WD cavier Black 1 TB



Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread


well, for a core i7 tat budget of 75K .. IS AN ISSUE bro.. :D yup believe me, (my config in my siggy costed me 1.2

but yes, as u are NOT into OC, go for this:

Proc:Core i7 920 ------------------------------------> Rs. 15.5K

Mobo:Gigabyte UD5 ---------------------------------> Rs.16.5K
(yup, do not go for Extreme if u jus dnt wanna OC it)

RAM:Corsair 6gb 3x2gb ------------------------> Rs. 8.8K

PSU:Corsair TX750 ----------------------------------> Rs. 8.5K
(if u hv a single GPU, it will also handle 2 GPUs easily in SLi for nVIDIA or CrossFire X=CFX for ATi)

GPU: GTX 260 core 216 ---------------------------------------> Rs.11K

Cabinet: CM 690 ------------------------------------> Rs.4.2K

HDD:WD 1TB ---------------------------------------> Rs.5.2K

LCD:Samsung 22" 2233SW(FullHD) -------------------> Rs. 10.2K
The best bang for ur money..

Total Rs. 79.9K

Cheers n e-peace....
Last edited:


Intel OCer
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread

^some changes needed and u need to update ur pricings:

RAM: corsair 6gb 3x2gb for 8.8k
GPU: gtx 260 core 216 is now approx 11k, you can get gtx275 for 14k


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread

Guys I've another suggestion for GPU - get 2x HD4850 ( 13K ) with your existing HD4850. This ( IMO ) will give a huge performance.

BTW, I don't think OP needs gfx cards.. he only wants the system :p

Budget was not an issue as I was ready to shell out upto 75k just
for the system, other components were not required.

I have Viewsonic VX 1962 wm, ATI Radeon 4850 and cambridge soundworks 4.1 speakers.

The estimate given to me is costing just under 75k.

The case suggested to me was CM 690.

Other things suggested to me were:

Core I7 920
Giga X58 Extreme
Corsair 6 GB (2 GB * 3) DDR3 1333
PSU - CM 550 Wt
HDD -> Segate 1 TB or WD cavier Black 1 TB

Get what ashu has suggested...but get 2x 1TB HDD & run those two in raid 0 mode & the third one in normal storage mode..or else you can get a another HD4850 ( for 2x HD4850 Cf setup ) instead of 3x HD4850 in CF mode :p


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread


hey topgear, yaar suggest me sumthing...

actually i presently hv WD Caviar green 1 tb hdd in my rig, i wanna add one more hdd (say a 5ooGB) so how can i setup raid stuff in it (plz i hv no knowledge in raid stuff).... or do we specifically get raid type of HDDs..?? :confused:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread

There's no special raid hdds. You need to setup it through bios.

If you setup raid0 with your existing 1Tb & a new 500Gb you will get only 1TB disk space
after setting up the raid0.

For raid0 ( which gives maximum performance ) you need to have 2 same capacity ( & indentical like the cache same amount ) HDds & it would be more better if the drives are from same model & manufacturer.

As raid0 wants two same capacity HDDs. After setting up raid0 & using it you will feel the real performance gain. But the chance of data loss is also great if something goes wrong with the hdds.

I would recommend you to buy 2x seagate 7200.12 500GB drive to setup raid0 & use the existing 1TB as backup drive.

Do note that after setting up raid0 all of data will be lost. So back it up 1st.

You need to setup Raid0 array 1st through bios setup.. Then you have to install the OS.
Do note that while installing XP or even vista the OS may ask you for storage controller drivers. You need to integrate those drivers in xp install CD using nlite or incase of vista just copy them to your pen drive & load the drivers when installing windows. Otherwise the os may not be able to see your RAID0 setup.

For more information consult your mobos manual or online manual. There are a huge number of guides regarding raid. Do look at them.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread

ooh thanx a lot for tat clarification dude, appreciate it..:) so i think i'll hv to get 2 new 1TB HDDs.... ok lets see..will hv to dig abit deeper into my pockets..

1.) but yes, one thing i wanna ask u is....will the RAID setup work gr8 on a 32bit os or a 64bit..?? i think a 64bit will bbe jus gr8 right..??

2.) also, im into sum video encoding stuff (for converting my movie collection for my PSP) wich are originally in h264 format (mpeg-4 format, if tats wats its called..plz correct me if im wrong..) wats the fastes way (in time reducing features) tat a s/.ware will allow me to encode the movies ina really fast way..? ..?? (currently it take about 25-30 mins for a 1.45GB size movie to get it converted to PSP format (mpeg4) on XP PRO (32bit) OS...


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: The Official Core i7 (Intel's nehalem) Thread

RAID0 setup works ( gives better performance ) regardless of OS architecture.

Video encoding time does not greatly depends on software but it depends on the codec, it's optimization & the settings you choose to use.

If you want to use some good software then look for virtualdub, super 2009 ( best one IMO ) or mediacoder :p
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