Re: The Half-Life and Counterstrike Thread
cool down man. I have nothing against you or your thread. I just want to cinfirm this:
1. I just clicked your link, and that file was offered for download(the firefox download box came up). This means that the link you posted was containing that hacked CS 1.6
2. You need to confirm if CS 1.6 is free or non free. Each person has a different opinion
3. I too run a Urban Terror(CS's arch rival) thread and I don't get angry at whiners.
4. A pre-patched version of CS 1.6 will be welcome. I am hunting the net for it, and will try to submit it here, but if you find it, please post it in the first post, instead of linking to a zillion patches.
I was all relaxed man, but if any how, I sounded harsh, my apologies..
Btw, the links that are posted on the first page were not posted my myself, it was a recommendation from a forum member,
Please Note: If any of you thread users, find any link to be objectionable, feel free to PM me either to remove that particular link or give a link (if you wish too) to be replaced in that place..
As of now, (Afaik) CS1.6 Is NOT Free, if ppl claim it to be, its either d/loaded from a wrong source (i hope. ppl knw wat a wrong source is) or jus posted to increase curiosity..
yrana wrote:
I downloaded and installed zbot for my CS 1.6 v22 patch..
Now the problem is that i cant hear any radio sounds, even though i've checked its option on.
Moreover, the autobuy and rebuy functions do not work.. So, it becomes pretty messy to buy my weapons every round.
Does anyone else have this problem? How do i rectify it. Plz help..
Did you d/load the
zbot from this thread?
If Yes, then it may be the case that the zbot version might not work on a newer/modified version of CS1.6 (ver. 22)
If No, then either you are patching (adding) zbots on a legal version of CS1.6
or that particular version of CS has no support for zbots.
Please Note: "Zbots" are not the legal bots for CS1.6 game, they were a part of CS-CZ and were just made to be compatible with CS1.6 because of their imporved A.I (Artificial Intelligence a.k.a Human like response and thinking in Computer controlled bots i.e players)
I hope i was clear in my replies.... 
Off topic: inspite of being this thread's creator, I have been very Inactive on my part to reply to various topics, which were made up by the replies of other ppl joining and making their contribution to this i thank you all for keeping this thread active 
Congrats to all of this thread's active users and repliers alike, who contributed and made this thread touch the 1000 posts mark !!
The Half life and Counter Strike Thread Creator
Cheers n e-peace....