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Which is the team you HATE the most

  • Chelsea

  • Manchester United

  • Barcelona

  • Arsenal

  • Real Madrid

  • A.C. Milan

  • Liverpool

  • Manchester City

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Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
@Liv_fan- How does it feel having th heat on your side of the pitch for a change? Let liverpool be relegated, give the other teams a chance to move up. History is best kept in books, not in the field.
Why don't you sell your house, stop buying clothes and gadgets and give it to poor :lol: There are plenty of poor people in this country :lol: Moronic opinions should be kept in your brain not put out in the open :lol:


Rockin g33k
Yea right dude. This is 2010, not some 2006 when you won the champions league. Liverpool is thumped by all and sundry in the meanwhile. Come Season 10/11, Liverpool wont be in the top 10. So long friend. It was nice knowing you, I hearby pray that you guys do well in the second division and now with Newcastle promoted, may you win it as well. Amen!!


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
I know where you trying to drag this supporting business. If my team is so successful then its not my problem, is it? If i supported my team just because of trophies then would i had jumped the ship and cheered for Chelsea under Jose as my team didnt win anything in that period? Barca here I come!!! Make sure you win trophies!!!
ANd where did support another club come from then? :rolleyes"
I have shown enough passion for my team but i don't follow orders of the gaffe. If he makes a mistake, I am within my right as a fan to point it out. If somone doesn't like it, then thats their problem.
I am not blindly supporting the gaffer. I am only pointing out that no manager at this point is suitable for LFC job and your point of him being "sacked" is logical has not yet been adequately backed up.

The whole Liverpool band has suddenly gone through a change of heart. Talk about unity here. Suddenly Rafa Benitez has been exonerated by the supporters and all the blame has been put on owners. Alonso fiasco never happened. It was all a media hogwash. Club captain Gerrard was never clueless about his manager's decisions. It was all a conspiracy. Suddenly players like Ngog, Kuyt, Aurelio, Kryakos, etc have been branded as some what quality players. Geese. I agree about Torres and Mashcherano but Lucas? Rafa gives plenty of chance to youth players.
Lucas has been immense this season. Check out who's the young player of the year for LFC.
Alonso fiasco? It was far from fiasco. Probably Rafa "disrespecting" him did him in but he didn't have the best of seasons in 2007-08. I admit it was a mistake but a mountain has been made on this issue. :|

Crying of having no money to spend. What happened to the pilicy of developing players as promised? He took the charge of the academia, right?
And he has signed quite talented players too who look promising for the future: Pacheco, Ayala, Kelly, Shevley, among others
With Rafa no longer the manager, what will happen to them is uncertain.

Look, defending the manager is one thing to look so patria\otic et all; but shoving the problems under the carpet and blaming the other half of the problem wont do. We all know who will leave Anfield if there has to be a departure and rest assure it won't be the investors.
All the problems at LFC begin and end with those two owners right there. You use the word investors as if the owners actually invested their own money. But the fact that we are in this poor situation just due to a leveraged buyout speaks volumes.
Underachievement at one season to finish 7th or something is one thing, but 350M+ pounds of debts plus no forseeable pay to pay them without messing up the squad is another thing.

Those copy/paste you did a couple of posts ago, try answering yourself for everything i might write may be biased.
Indeed you are biased and you have no shred of idea of the state of the club.

---------- Post added at 05:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:51 PM ----------

Yea right dude. This is 2010, not some 2006 when you won the champions league. Liverpool is thumped by all and sundry in the meanwhile. Come Season 10/11, Liverpool wont be in the top 10.
When was the last time Arsenal won a trophy. :lol: 2005 :lol: This is neither 2005 :lol:
And btw we won CL in 2005, and FA Cup in 2006 go yet the facts right my lad. :lol:
So long friend. It was nice knowing you, I hearby pray that you guys do well in the second division and now with Newcastle promoted, may you win it as well. Amen!!
LOL we have not been already relegated :lol:
I will be there whether we are in Championship or League one, so no good bye's here :lol:

And when did you start supporting Les Arses? 2004 invincibles :lol: lol: :lol:


Don't take this at heart but you won't understand a thing about the financial matters, the same way i won't be able to understand Information Technology. TDF is the last place where I would discuss any financial matters and this is no chest thumping my friend.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Don't take this at heart but you won't understand a thing about the financial matters, the same way i won't be able to understand Information Technology. TDF is the last place where I would discuss any financial matters and this is no chest thumping my friend.
Oh come on Mr.Economist, why don't you discuss it here. I am not that dumb as you think of me. :)
And yes I would love it you manage to justify the owners actions and how that debt is manageable when we also have to compete and also have to plan for a stadium in the future.
Otherwise sorry I would have to just dismiss you and declare that you are simply bluffing. :) No offense


I really don't understand why you are niggling about who supported whom for what. Generally, when a fan support a team it starts from liking a player. He won't sit in a library and delve into the history books to support a particular club; this process will follow later.
Just tell me how many Liverpool fans began supporting reading the rich history of the club and not because of Gerrard or Torres? The same with Henry and Arsenal or Ronaldo/Rooney/Giggs/Beckham with United. Lampard has attracted plenty of fans towards the Blues. So they won;t be qualified as good supporters?

You are the one who started this relegation situation and everybody hate the club.


Welbeck fan :D
@Liv_fan- How does it feel having th heat on your side of the pitch for a change? Let liverpool be relegated, give the other teams a chance to move up. History is best kept in books, not in the field.
Why don't you sell your house, stop buying clothes and gadgets and give it to poor :lol: There are plenty of poor people in this country :lol: Moronic opinions should be kept in your brain not put out in the open :lol:

1 word.pwned :lol:

In Rafa we thrust

Im sure that was a typo,coz all liv fans aint gay im sure :lol:


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
He is trying to act over smart :lol:, he deserves a cheek from my side. ;)
And yes the crap thrown to Rafa is plain disgrace, who actually don't understand the gravity of the situation; easy way out. And I don't care whatever you think of the club, but spread FUD, and I'll counter it.

BTW I dont want to call ANYONE plastic or anything, it usually a joke or something :p Everyone is free to support whichever club in whichever manner :)

---------- Post added at 06:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------

Im sure that was a typo,coz all liv fans aint gay im sure :lol:
:lol: You make it seem like I posted it :D :lol:


^I taught you that joke remember.

---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ----------

Aftter raising the question of real supporting versus just supporting, you come up with that quote. Amazing,


Welbeck fan :D
anyways jokes aside,my personal opinion on this situation is that any manager wouldve pooped given the critical circumstances,so its wrong to blame benitez alone.


hamaam mein sabhi nange hain!!!!!

---------- Post added at 06:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 PM ----------

Nobody given the thought to the brand value of these big clubs.

LFC: Calling the owners as non-investors? Then who own Liverpool Football Club? You botched up such a rudimentary concept.. This is why i am reluctant to discuss any financial matters here.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
^I taught you that joke remember.
ANd your TDF points apparently shot up after that eh? :rolleyes:

Aftter raising the question of real supporting versus just supporting, you come up with that quote. Amazing,
Perhaps you need word by word argument eh? No worries. And you have skipped each of my questions btw. Your finance argument has been dismissed.

I really don't understand why you are niggling about who supported whom for what.
As I said it's a kind of dig and rebuttal for lulz :lol: But in your case you always claim higher ground based on the fact your club wins trophies and if one argues that trophies are not everything, you simply dismiss it giving me the impression that you support your club just for trophies they win.
Generally, when a fan support a team it starts from liking a player. He won't sit in a library and delve into the history books to support a particular club; this process will follow later.,,,
...and not because of Gerrard or Torres? The same with Henry and Arsenal or Ronaldo/Rooney/Giggs/Beckham with United. Lampard has attracted plenty of fans towards the Blues. So they won;t be qualified as good supporters?
Supporting player to club in fine. Support should perisist though even after player leaves. But then it's a personal choice.

Just tell me how many Liverpool fans began supporting reading the rich history of the club
Supporting club just because of glorious history is glory hunting in some way.

You are the one who started this relegation situation and everybody hate the club.
Hmm? I just pointed out to the fact that your post about Rafa being "sacked" had NOT been backed up and neither has been yet.

---------- Post added at 06:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:37 PM ----------

LFC: Calling the owners as non-investors? Then who own Liverpool Football Club? You botched up such a rudimentary concept.. This is why i am reluctant to discuss any financial matters here.
I don't use financial jargon. Literally the owners have NOT INVESTED in Liverpool Football Club. They have just taken loans for their buyout and now all the debt is on the holding company of the club.
And you are really trying to sound intelligent. Better be one than to sound one.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
Laugh laugh lad. That's what you can do. Laugh at the demise of our club. Perhaps you can't laugh for your own club success.
I wasn't actually laughing at the state of Liverpool. I actually laughed because I was thinking to post a link with the same story. :lol: (If I would have done that, I know what your reaction would have been :lol:) I hope you got it. :)

I really want to see Liverpool stable next season in any way possible. :)


Welbeck fan :D
we all want to see the best competition possible in the best league in the world

---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ----------

off topic: anybody got the link to the sachin adidas ad (where he practises in an empty stadium,playing various strokes)


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Good Bye, Rafa. Would always be remembered for the European Cup Triumph in 2005 and FA Cup in 2006.

I hope no one is "offended" by me posting images potraying Rafa's history with LFC :rolleyes:

Rafa's record:

[B]Competition	P	W	D	L	F	A	Win %[/B]
TOTAL/Overall	350	194	77	79	585	302	55.43
Premier League	228	126	55	47	371	183	55.26
The FA Cup	17	8	4	5	38	22	47.06
League Cup	17	10	1	6	31	27	58.82
UCL/UEFA	85	48	17	20	140	68	56.47
Other Matches	3	2	0	1	5	2	66.67
Not that crap a record eh? :rolleyes:

Best of Luck Rafa, wherever you go. :)

And Thank You Rafa for the memories.
Last edited:


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Rafael Benitez said: "It is very sad for me to announce that I will no longer be manager of Liverpool FC. I would like to thank all of the staff and players for their efforts.

"I'll always keep in my heart the good times I've had here, the strong and loyal support of the fans in the tough times and the love from Liverpool. I have no words to thank you enough for all these years and I am very proud to say that I was your manager.

"Thank you so much once more and always remember: You'll never walk alone."
YNWA Rafa.
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