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Which is the team you HATE the most

  • Chelsea

  • Manchester United

  • Barcelona

  • Arsenal

  • Real Madrid

  • A.C. Milan

  • Liverpool

  • Manchester City

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Welbeck fan :D
As for Madrid fans, they are bunch of moronic plastics IMHO.

well said.and they were gonna beat alcorcon 5-0,with the 80000+ people rooting for those fools.

"a lame effort from football's supposed superstars and Real Madrid are out of the Copa del Rey at the first hurdle." :D

as for Enke,RIP. was saddened to learn this "Television channel ARD reports that the site of Enke's death was a mere 200 metres from the grave of his daughter."


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend

What a bloody twat. :/ And that is coming from someone who as a referee has flashed 3 yellow cards in a game. :lol:
That lad dived, yes but give him a break for fvck sake. The lad's developing as such a brilliant player and the media is bullsh1tt1ng about him. If Rooney, Ronaldo, and Drogba dived, there was no such furore, so why such furore over N'gog. Bloody hypocrites and Liverpool haters.


Welbeck fan :D
imo nogog was repentant after that dive.i saw his face after his face-off with carsley and he looked more foolish than ever.the fact that the scousers are using this excuse to avoid shame of dropping points (again) is clearly evident.


Ambassador of Buzz
NO way will west ham go down.Nooooo way.
Not saying they should, but it seems so!
Hull, Bolton, Birmingham could also be the one. Hull is the obvious choice! They have major problems. Plus Phil Brown's job is on the line. He just saved himself with a win against Stoke. Bought some time! Anyone can get sucked in. Blackburn may just save it in the end. But i somehow don't line Big SAM's tactics. Too defensive for me!


Welbeck fan :D
Jussi :D he deserves a better club for his quality really.but tamir cohen,kevin davies,elmander and gardner are some of the quality players they have.


Human Spambot
Xavi is talking about Cesc's Barca dna YET AGAIN.
1.Xavi is retarded,saying the same exact sh1t every 15 days.
2.Its another one of the monthly Fabregas-to-Barca stories rehashed by The Sun.


Of course Fletcher one is better (he makes innovative retarded statements every other week). One week he behaves like Mr. tough guy and the next he squeals about his lame tackling.


Welbeck fan :D
Of course Fletcher one is better (he makes innovative retarded statements every other week). One week he behaves like Mr. tough guy and the next he squeals about his lame tackling.

even you know krow that fletch got the ball when cashley was 'fouled'.even so,the match is over,so lets criticise Xavi shall we? u toad-eyed retard xavi! :D
Posted again:

lolmao at his cap or whatever that is :D
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