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Which is the team you HATE the most

  • Chelsea

  • Manchester United

  • Barcelona

  • Arsenal

  • Real Madrid

  • A.C. Milan

  • Liverpool

  • Manchester City

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^Just because he plays for an unfancy team like Valencia doesnt de-value him. Villa is a scoring machine and yes he is better than United's Rooney & Berbatov combined in terms of goal scoring abilities.

Of course one doesnt have to agree with everyone.


Human Spambot
Too early for such speculations.More like another Chelsea wish list candidate than a plan for some concrete bid.
Valencia are so cash strapped at the moment that a bit of bargaining won't hurt Chelsea.However,with Kenyon being so stupid I won't be surprised if they actually pay them 40m.


The only difference is that Villa plays for Valencia and dont get media attention the way Torress gets, though both are World Class Players no doubt.

Adriano taking a break from football to sort oit his personal life. I hope he comes back and play to his potential and become the best striker in the world.


Slideshow Bob
Villa won't be coming. Another piece of tabloid trash - Valencia are cash-strapped and we're loaded, so cook up a rumour! "Villa to Chelsea" happens in every transfer window. :D


^ yeah but it was not just Villa... there was another guy apparently you lot wanted to sign some PSG midfielder Stephane Sessegnon for 10mn

and so many transfer rumors and its still the best part of a season going on !!
Posted again:
oh on a side note,
MANCHESTER UNITED’S wage bill was a massive £121million last year — an increase of £29m.

The champions are still second in the big spenders table with Chelsea’s bill at £148m — a rise of 12 per cent.

source : *
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Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Well I guess there goes ANY hope of us signing him. :(
Hopefully Chelsea DONT sign him. I don't want another career to be ruined. ;-)

I wish we sign Silva though. :D
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before buying anyone .. Ballack Drogba and Deco should be out of the squad....
else the new signings will be sitting on the bench and the so called big 3 fooling arnd


Slideshow Bob
lol, last summer Villa had himself said that he wanted to come Arsenal. :lol:

Err... He said that he doesn't WANT to leave Spain. If ever he decides to leave, he would like to play in the BPL. And he added that he likes the way Arsenal play and they are the team that would suit his style of play. :| :lol:

In no way was it a 'come and save me Arsene' plea. :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
Err... He said that he doesn't WANT to leave Spain. If ever he decides to leave, he would like to play in the BPL. And he added that he likes the way Arsenal play and they are the team that would suit his style of play. :| :lol:
This is what he exactly said:
The Sun said:
DAVID VILLA is ready to snub Chelsea and move to Arsenal.

The £20million-rated Valencia striker, 26, shot to the top of Avram Grant’s summer hitlist after netting 63 goals over the last three seasons.
Chelsea chief Grant is thought to have made contact over a move.
But Villa insists he would rather be a Gunner.
Villa said: “I watch the Premier League a lot and the team I’m most attracted to is definitely Arsenal.
“Their brilliant one and two-touch football and the whole style of rapid counter-attack which dominates the top level of the Premier League now is the one which suits my game best of all."
He is in my dream XI at the moment, but I don't belivee that Arsene will get him.

In no way was it a 'come and save me Arsene' plea. :D
Did I say this?


Slideshow Bob
^ ^ ^ What else did I say???? :lol:

Both mean the same!! :D

Anyways, we're not after him:

Guus Hiddink has dismissed speculation linking Chelsea with Valencia's David Villa and Tottenham's Roman Pavlyuchenko.
"I did not give any comment about Pavlyuchenko," said Hiddink. "I don't give any comment on players with other clubs.

"Harry Redknapp knows exactly what to do with his players, he is a respected professional.

"Pavlyuchenko is with Tottenham and I hope that he will fight to get his position at Spurs. That is important for himself.

"If you want to survive in England you must keep on fighting and get your position."

When asked if the club were interested in Villa, Hiddink replied: "No, there is no indication of that."

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Oh, here's ze link:

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Human Spambot
Interesting CL stat I read somewhere.
The team which knocks out the team which knocked out Real Madrid wins the CL.
This has happened EVERY SEASON since 2002 :shock:
Is this Chelsea's year?


since 2002 na ?? if it were since 1950 i wud probably believe it. but, when i start believing in such things, such things never happen ..... so i better not believe it.

btw ... Arsenal_Gunners ico .. what r u both doing @ 2.30 am??
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