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Which is the team you HATE the most

  • Chelsea

  • Manchester United

  • Barcelona

  • Arsenal

  • Real Madrid

  • A.C. Milan

  • Liverpool

  • Manchester City

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The Slowest One
For this transfer window, The time is running out and so is fan's patience. Read few articles about wenger, almost same article from last year. Journalists are just copy pasting the last's year article about arsenal's transfer window with few changes.
CB is needed as simple as that.


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For this transfer window, The time is running out and so is fan's patience. Read few articles about wenger, almost same article from last year. Journalists are just copy pasting the last's year article about arsenal's transfer window with few changes.
CB is needed as simple as that.
Among all the clubs this season arsenal looks least aggressive in terms of transfers.

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The Slowest One
yeah. this is even more frustrating to watch. This time all the big clubs are stacking up new players and all we have as decent signing is xhaka.
Xhaka wasn't comfortable i felt. I heard that he had just avg preseason but seems the form will continue for few more matches until he get used to it. I was so excited to watch him until he came to pitch. But I am still hoping alot from him.


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Arsène Wenger’s Arsenal story heading for a final, unhappy paragraph


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The Slowest One
saw Arsenal vs Leicester game. Close one, Leicester looked strong and very dangerous, that is until Ozil came around 80'. What a player, within secs I could spot the difference in arsenal's game. Expecting alot from next game.

Lol what happened to Liverpool lost 0-2 to Burnley.
Utd had decent game. Utd 2-0 Southampton
City won 4-1 agaiinst Stoke
Chelsea 2-1 Watford
Hotspur 1-0 Crystal Palace


I am a cat
Shkodran Mustafi signs for Arsenal | News Archive | News |

Lucas Perez completes move to Arsenal | News Archive | News |

And arsenal's social media team is really on another level.

Arsenal FC on Twitter: "Hey [MENTION=13469]danie[/MENTION]lfloyd1981, look what we found... *



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Too excited to wait.

Mourinho and Guardiola can make Manchester capital of world footbal

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