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Which is the team you HATE the most

  • Chelsea

  • Manchester United

  • Barcelona

  • Arsenal

  • Real Madrid

  • A.C. Milan

  • Liverpool

  • Manchester City

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Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
i didnt know that hilario was 32. now ive verified it. i dont want to call them young guns so i m callin them young pistols (my phrase).

@gagan- i knew that's wat u guys wanted to hear. so i said it.


Make Way the LORD is Here
and hand out a blank cheque to the manager in charge.

oh f**k... how i hate to hear this.. :mad:
anyway, chelsea is an older team compared to utd cuz u should remove VDS from utd 's average age as he is a GK.. he doesnt have to do a lot of running like the outfield players..(anyway he doesnt have to do much becuz of our defense :p) so our average age becomes 27.
same with chelsea.. if u remove chec .. ur average age increases.. & it proves that ur team is old.

@manckevin- she's right. it does look like u r a city fan.

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Slideshow Bob
anyway, chelsea is an older team compared to utd cuz u should remove VDS from utd 's average age as he is a GK.. he doesnt have to do a lot of running like the outfield players..(anyway he doesnt have to do much becuz of our defense :p) so our average age becomes 27.
same with chelsea.. if u remove chec .. ur average age increases.. & it proves that ur team is old.

How convenient, isn't it? Remove an older player to decrease your team's average age while at the same time increase our team's average age by removing a younger player!! Typical. :D


Make Way the LORD is Here
How convenient, isn't it? Remove an older player to decrease your team's average age while at the same time increase our team's average age by removing a younger player!! Typical. :D

im just being logical.. if u find being logical - "convenient"... fine by me.


Slideshow Bob
im just being logical.. if u find being logical - "convenient"... fine by me.

Your logic states that goalkeepers should be excluded coz they don't do much running around. My logic states that goalkeepers are an absolutely vital part of the team and it is their reflexes, agility and reading of the game that keeps many teams alive in matches. An 18-year old player can run around the pitch all day long and may still not contribute anything. Removing a goalkeeper, no matter how old, just for the sake of lowering the average age of a team doesn't make sense to me. If it does to you, fine by me! :D


Make Way the LORD is Here
Your logic states that goalkeepers should be excluded coz they don't do much running around. My logic states that goalkeepers are an absolutely vital part of the team and it is their reflexes, agility and reading of the game that keeps many teams alive in matches. An 18-year old player can run around the pitch all day long and may still not contribute anything. Removing a goalkeeper, no matter how old, just for the sake of lowering the average age of a team doesn't make sense to me. If it does to you, fine by me! :D

my belief is fatigue of a GK doesnt come into play as much as outfield players.. anyway if u take the whole squad into consideration.. utd do have a younger squad..


Slideshow Bob
my belief is fatigue of a GK doesnt come into play as much as outfield players.. anyway if u take the whole squad into consideration.. utd do have a younger squad..

It's not about fatigue, it's about maintaining the level of skill needed to stay competitive. And looks like Sir Rednose has completely hypnotised you with his barbs about age and all. The experience that comes with age can never be replaced by youthful exuberance, just ask Giggs & Scholes :D
I'll just hope that Fergie's comments come back to bite him on the backside, just like Rafa's jibes regarding Drogba did in the CL semi-final. ;)

Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
chelsea close to signing robinho

i hope u guys r playin NFC Manager. v can all compete among ourselves to c who gets the highest points.
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United should desperately sign a quality striker!!!! Otherwise they will lagger behind Chelsea & Arsenal.
About all those talk of age , are you people mad?? Chelsea Old? and United , Young, right?? United have Giggs, Scholes , Neville & Van Der Sar who have past thier prime and still SAF plays them regularly.
Ballack & Lampard doesnt have to run as wingers, they dictate the pace of the game the same way as Scholes and Giggs. Both teams have enough young legs on the wings. SInce Ronaldo wont play till October end, it would be interesting to see who takes up the mantle for The Devils.


Human Spambot
Arsene Wenger swears :D

Lots of streams to choose from for today's Arsenal vs WBA game.
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Cool Joe

The Black Waltz
nani put a good showing in the community shield final. he has improved a lot now and i can say that because i have watched him play. SAF should play nani on the right as a replacement for ronaldo.


Human Spambot
Oh man!Just a few minutes till we kick off the new season!I am excited:D
Buildup to the match has already started:D

Nasri Gets His First In 4 Minutes
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