The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


Steam High Templar


Well I'll just put own all the race's preferable qualities and archtypes

Race: Nord as Warrior
Statistic focus: Health 60% Stamina 40%
Primary skills:One handed, Block
Secondary skills:Light Armor, Archery
Preferable stone ability: Warrior Stone

Race: High Elf as Mage
Statistic focus: Magicka 80% Health 20%
Primary skills: Destruction, Conjuration
Secondary skills: Restoration, Illusion
Preferable stone ability: Mage Stone

Race: Wood Elf as Archer
Statistic focus: Health 80% Stamina 20%
Primary skills: Archery, Sneak
Secondary skills: Light armor, Block
Preferable stone ability: Thief Stone

Race: Orc as Berserker
Statistic focus: Health 50% Stamina 50%
Primary skills: 2 Handed, Heavy armor
Secondary skills: Smithing, Block
Preferable stone ability: Lord Stone

Race: Dark Elf as Spell Sword
Statistic focus: Health 40% Magicka 30% Stamina 30%
Primary skills: One Handed, Destruction
Secondary skills: Light armor, Illusion
Preferable stone ability: lover Stone

Race: Breton as Necromancer
Statistic focus: Magicka 70% Health 30%
Primary skills: Conjuration , Illusion
Secondary skills: Alteration, Restoration
Preferable stone ability: Ritual Stone

Race: Khajit as Assassin
Statistic focus: Health 60% Magicka 20% Stamina 20%
Primary skills: Sneak, One handed
Secondary skills: Alchemy, Pickpocket
Preferable stone ability: Shadow Stone

Race: Imperial as Battlemage
Statistic focus: Health 40% Magicka 60%
Primary skills: Destruction, Restoration
Secondary skills: Heavy Armor, Illusion
Preferable stone ability: Apprentice Stone

Race: Redguard as Weapon Master
Statistic focus: Health 60% Stamina 40%
Primary skills: One handed, Heavy armor
Secondary skills: Archery, Enchanting
Preferable stone ability: Steed Stone

Race: Argonian as Rogue
Statistics focus: Health 40% Stamina 40% Magicka 20%
Primary skills: Illusion, Sneak
Secondary skills: Archery, One handed
Preferable stone ability: Serpent Stone

NOTE:I'd again say its upto you how you want this game to be look like. As some guys would prefer Orc as battlemage ;) :D


I see you got your friend out there :)


Steam High Templar
@piyush: you know any alternate way to bleak falls barrow? when i start from whiterun town i always encounter a giant in the way,and of course you know what happens with a lvl 1 character facing a giant
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@piyush: you know any alternate way to bleak falls barrow? when i start from whiterun town i always encounter a giant in the way,and of course you know what happens with a lvl 1 character facing a giant

If you actually are lvl 1, then you should postpone your visit to Barrow, coz it'll be much harder for you to complete the quest.
Meanwhile explore a bit more around riverwood, caves and all. And I think you are not aware of leveling up system in Skyrim. We dont get exp points for completing quests. We level up when we level up our skills, i.e, for an example, For you to become a lvl 2 character, you have to level up 5-6 of you skills by one point. For example you leveled up your restoration, one handed, destruction, speech, etc... by one points each or any skill with consecutive 5 points, like this way.

So enhance your skill by practicing/applying them so as to level up.

And is you still wanna try Barrow for one time, then go to the bridge near the riverwood(small bridge actually), and try to reach the fort/tower in your sight (on your top left while standing on the bridge). After reaching tower, you can easily reach the barrow. Dont follow the navigation marker until and unless you have routed yourself a way to the destination.


Ambassador of Buzz
Why do you have to fight with giant at all? just keep your distance. But as piyush said if you are playing anything at or above Adept difficulty then you should postpone your visit to Barrow.

@Piyush Thanks for the heads up. I have not tried Argonian till now so as well. I will give argonian a try this time :D


some more images

again... lovely lydia :wub:

Near Markath

Lydia being electrocuted...kind of

glowing ebony dagger

Flame Atronachs


started skyrim a couple of days ago.

now i understand the hype and hoopla behind it. this game will captivate you for weeks!!

right now, i have over 900 steel arrows (i pickpocket EVERY guard i find)

so, any tips for a newbie like me? like sneaking/bow combat?


started skyrim a couple of days ago.

now i understand the hype and hoopla behind it. this game will captivate you for weeks!!

right now, i have over 900 steel arrows (i pickpocket EVERY guard i find)

so, any tips for a newbie like me? like sneaking/bow combat?

I'm assuming after pickpocketing, if unsuccessful, you reload the game instead of fighting with the guards.
Anyways, For sneak+archery combo, focus on Sneak, Light armor, Archery as your primary skills. Apart from these, you may also increase your One handed, Block, Pickpocket and Alchemy skill . Alchemy to make poisons so as your archery becomes more scary.

Apart from that, explore a lot and Hard save a lot.


Steam High Templar
dumped my imperial character
continued the game with my nord guy
he leveled up fast,level 4 right now
raided "greymoor fort" got 2 sets of iron armor and 2 banded iron shields after slaughering the bandits there
reached the "serpents bluff rebound" as a part of the "companions" side-quest
there were some tribal guys called "forerunner" or something foresworn. it was hard, but i dispatched them(for a bunch of tribals they yeild good loot:grin:)
sold spare stuff in whiterun and got a full steel armor set
concentrating on 3 skills : one-handed,Block,heavy armor

poor fennel is still running about in iron armor set
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