The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim


In the zone
Lost my wife 'Lydia' a while ago, thought she might be back at home, figures she's dead. Any way to get her back or find her corpse ? She was carrying a lot of my stuff.


Steam High Templar
^use command console,to start it press the ~ button on KB
google codes for ressurect and lydia
put the codes in the command console and lydia will be resurrected
dunno about your stuff

maybe there on her,maybe not
i used ressurecting through command console in Fallout 3 many times


can you block in different direction with shield?i get hit even while blocking most of the time,so i was wondering whether i could point the shield down/up etc


can you block in different direction with shield?i get hit even while blocking most of the time,so i was wondering whether i could point the shield down/up etc

Use block just before the enemy's attack to absorb the damage and stagger the enemies
dunno about blocking in different direction


Ambassador of Buzz
I tried the graphics mods you have suggested Piyush. SMIM is a good one and it works in a perfect way. Changes are very subtle and you really have to be a fan of this game to observe these changes because casual players won't pay that much attention to details. But I do and I loved the changes it made.

Since I don't like FXAA so I did not try FXAA Post Processing. Tried Enhanced Shaders and they were great really. But then I came across this another ENB preset from SuperB and it came along with Realistic Lighting addon. Man now the game just looks crazy good. Now it's impossible to travel through skyrim at night without a torch and I love that thrill factor of the night environment now :D. I mean now if I ever have to play Vanilla skyrim, it will be like torture. I tried RCRN also but it did not work that well for me.

Some of the other mods i tried and loved are-
1) ScenicCarriages
3)Skyrim Flora Overhaul

I intend to try to improve the looks of the cities of skyrim. I have heard there are various mods for that. If you happen to know any good mod for that please do suggest.


Some of the other mods i tried and loved are-
1) ScenicCarriages
3)Skyrim Flora Overhaul

I intend to try to improve the looks of the cities of skyrim. I have heard there are various mods for that. If you happen to know any good mod for that please do suggest.

I too applied W.A.T.E.R and flora overhaul, don't know how I forgot that to mention when you asked.

Anyways city mods are not very diverse. You may find these good enough

Detailed Cities at Skyrim Nexus - Skyrim mods and community <-- Detailed cities
Beautiful Cities at Skyrim Nexus - Skyrim mods and community <-- Beautiful cities
Sexy Whiterun v3 at Skyrim Nexus - Skyrim mods and community <-- Whiterun exclusive

and this page to get all cities exclusive mods: Skyrim Nexus - Skyrim mods and community (Sort this one by DOWNLOADS and the list begins with 4/5th entry)


Steam High Templar
[help] I'm on my way to the glenmoril wotches' hideout from rorikstead and i encounter a dragon along the way,how to fight it???
ps : its silver skinned and breathes frost. and running does'not help either

@piyush : any mod which lets you take 3 followers with you at a time?


[help] I'm on my way to the glenmoril wotches' hideout from rorikstead and i encounter a dragon along the way,how to fight it???
ps : its silver skinned and breathes frost. and running does'not help either

@piyush : any mod which lets you take 3 followers with you at a time?

For frost dragons, get a flame atronach spell and use it in dragon encounter
not that its a best solution, but will make fight easier

and for follower mod, there is one, Ultimate follower overhaul, patch 1.8 required.


Ambassador of Buzz
@CommanderShawnzer You may feel like you need more than 1 followers right now but trust me after you have crossed certain level and have spent your perks wisely, you won't need even 1 follower. My suggestion to you would be to stay away from any gameplay changing mod when you are playing the game for the first time. Play it the way it was intended to be played. But if you still want to try it then see what piyush has suggested.

At what difficulty are you playing anyway?


Steam High Templar
^playing on "expert" difficulty

and can anybody tell me how to level-up the block skill?
even if i block when an opponent attacks me, they always score a proper hit.and i rarely get xp on the block skill


Steam High Templar
completed the "Companions" questline and it seems that have the entire companions' group as recruitable followers
my current follower is Farkas
is this guy OK as a follower or should i get a mage from college of winterhold since i'm a nord warrior(Block,One-Handed,Heavy Armor,Archery)
for a more balanced pair?


completed the "Companions" questline and it seems that have the entire companions' group as recruitable followers
my current follower is Farkas
is this guy OK as a follower or should i get a mage from college of winterhold since i'm a nord warrior(Block,One-Handed,Heavy Armor,Archery)
for a more balanced pair?

If/since you are a pure warrior, then you better opt for a range damage dealer
Aela the huntress must be available to you by now
but dunno how good she is


Ambassador of Buzz
Try out Jzargo. One hell of a companion. Levels up with you pretty high. Can use heavy armor and heavy weapons + a good mage(not excellent but good).
To get Jzargo you have to join the mage's college in the winterhold. Jzargo will give you 10 scrolls to use on Undeads. Do that and go back to him and he will be ready to follow thereafter.

If you want a pure mage then you can try out Araena also. Full on mage, sucks at melee. Or you can also go with what piyush has suggested.
To get araena you have to do azura's star quest and take it back to her and not the other guy


someone list some mods that DONT affect basic gameplay much, but are *essential*, like the unofficial patch, skyui, etc..


Steam High Templar
just installed Dawnguard
so what should i do
do the stormcloak quest(liberating falkreath) or dawnguard?

@piyush/rohit/anybody who can help me : What are the common ingredients which can be found in the wild easily or bought at Arcadia's Cauldron to make potions of health and potions of stamina
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Ambassador of Buzz
I tried a total melee character this time. Two-handed + heavy armor + flame atronach(for range). It has become just too easy. Even at expert difficulty most of the weaker enemies require just 1 normal swing. Few of the more powerful enemies require 1 power hit+ 1 normal swing.
Level- 38
Smithing- 98
Enchanting 82
Heavy armor- 72
Two-handed- 75
Conjuration- 70
Alchemy- 50

I was using warhammer and after 'ignore armor' perks and 80% extra damage perks it has become just too easy. After enchanting my spare armor with improved smithing and drinking blacksmith's elixir before improving weapon, I was able to take my warhammer's damage to 210+ and armor rating to close to 500. I am using everything daedric. I have also enchanted my ring gauntlets and boots with extra 32% two-handed attack as well. honestly when you become this powerful so that no one can even come close to touching you, it becomes kinda boring :| . As for mages I just use muffle and sneak upto them and before they turn around to see me they get 1 power hit and they are dead. I guess I will try Archery now. Archery with a tank like frost thrall maybe and sneak. It should be more challenging as i have no experience with sneaking in skyrim. But i loved Thief series so I am a big fan of stealth. Let's see how it works out in skyrim.

One Tip for everyone. If you can master Alchemy and enchanting you might not even need smithing at all. But if you master smithing along with those two then you can become godlike in skyrim.

For eg. All this should be done with atleast 90 level of all three- smithing, enchanting and alchemy.

brew a potion to increase effectiveness of enchanting. go to enchanting table and enchant 3-4 things like helmet, ring, necklace, circlet etc to improve your alchemy. Go back again to alchemy and now you can brew even a stronger enchanting potion. Keep doing that until you have reached the limit. Which is close to 30%. Go to worktable, wear smithing improving armor if you have any. Drink Blacksmith's elixir and improve your armors and weapons to some insane stats.

Sorry for long post but wanted to share something I have tried. Maximum armor rating limit in skyrim is 560 so no use improving more than that but improving your weapons can help even those who haven't leveled much in smithing.

P.S. One question to everyone who plays skyrim- are muffle enchanted armors, which can be disenchanted to learn the enchantment, hard to find in skyrim? Or is it just my bad luck? This enchantment can come really handy if i want to sneak and use archery with heavy armor but I have only come across it once that too when I was playing skyrim for the first time.

@CommanderShawnzer Honestly saying I never had to brew these potions as i got plenty of them during quests. Usually my apprentice level quickhealing spell does the trick and if you have the perk of dual casting of restoration then I don't think you will need anything else except for some emergency situations. For such situations you can find enough of these during quests. but if you do need it then try googling it. That's how i learn about various potions.
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