i started the game yesterday,i am now on the way to "bleak falls barrow" to get the dragonstone
can anyone suggest me some good xp and money yielding side-quests? btw my character is from the "Imperial" race.will people in skyrim behave badly to my char.?(because he's imp. and the nords hate imps.)
also how to make my character like the dishonored guy? (i mean,with magic and daggers/bow and arrow)
and can i recuit followers at this point of the story?
and i also found the REAL Aela the huntress killing a giant.how to recruit her?
Just talk to people to gain the quests
There are no particular quests which gives you better loot. Its the way how you approach the game decides "what" loot you gonna get. Explore , explore and explore.
You wont have any specific problem , whichever race you choose.
I didn't get you by "dishonored" guy thing. You want to look like him or play like him. Anyways, you can't "look" like him in this time of your game ( may be some mods may help, but then you'll need Dawnguard DLC to get you makeup right).
You can recruit 1 follower that I'm aware of. His name is
Fendell and he lives in Riverwood (the first village you visited after dragon attack). Just talk to him and deliver the letter to the girl he asked you to do (in his favor of course). He's not a great follower but being an archer, he'll support you well by pinning enemies down before you do. Also, you'll be able to unload your stuff into his bag when it gets heavy.
Hope this helps