the Arch Linux thread


nope, fixed it now. booted into live mode (crunchbang) used gparted to manually set partitions again.

now im trying to configure the stuff


Is installing arch linux easier than installing gentoo. Didn't really have a good time installing Gentoo. I wasted tonnes of hours downloading and compiling + ended up starting all over again with the installation after messing up..


BSD init pwns System V
You can install anything that you want.. Openbox is good, but make sure that you read the wiki before installing it.. I've used both KDE & GNOME On it.. both of 'em rule.. currently on GNOME 3..


the wiki is as long as an encyclopedia. my eyes hurt from so much reading.
i've spent the whole day configuring arch. if anything goes kaput, im gonna blow up.


no kde!!! too heavy.

im going for openbox

ok, compare kde/openbox/gnome for me.
remember that i am using an old computer 2-3 years old


tell me how to make it lighter.
something like this :

i really hate the icons in the taskbar. cant i replace them with plain single color smaller icons?
i want a clean simple FLAT taskbar ( i hate curvy bars, i hope you understand) with just icons, or like openbox's bar.
is there any option to set the font of the taskbar/panel?
i want to change the stupid kde icon and replace it with arch's icon.

everything looks too big, is there an option to scale stuff down (using 1024x8**)

the start screen is way too slow

and where is the shutdown button? im shutting it down from the command line.

no thanks, i like openbox better, kde sucks


Chosen of the Omnissiah
There is an option for everything, but I guess you are not willing browse for a while. Sorry, the only thing which sucks is the mentality of randomly jumping on to conclusions.

Here's how it looked in my laptop: *

Continue with OpenBox anyways.


the problem is, i cant find any options to modify stuff.
at least in openbox i have a file/obconf that i can modify.

deleted kde.

never again.


BIOS Terminator
i really hate the icons in the taskbar. cant i replace them with plain single color smaller icons?
i want a clean simple FLAT taskbar ( i hate curvy bars, i hope you understand) with just icons, or like openbox's bar.
is there any option to set the font of the taskbar/panel?
i want to change the stupid kde icon and replace it with arch's icon.

everything looks too big, is there an option to scale stuff down (using 1024x8**)

the start screen is way too slow

and where is the shutdown button? im shutting it down from the command line.

no thanks, i like openbox better, kde sucks

all the cons you pointed out can be solved through the customization offered by KDE.


BIOS Terminator
i really hate the icons in the taskbar. cant i replace them with plain single color smaller icons?

yes you can change the icons pretty easily through the KDE system settings->app appearance. you can also change a particular icon by right click->properties

i want a clean simple FLAT taskbar ( i hate curvy bars, i hope you understand) with just icons, or like openbox's bar.
if you hate the curves, change the widget style from sys settings->app appearance

is there any option to set the font of the taskbar/panel?
i want to change the stupid kde icon and replace it with arch's icon.
you can change the fonts through system settings. the KDE icon on the application launcher can be canged through-
application menu launcher settings->options

everything looks too big, is there an option to scale stuff down (using 1024x8**)
the start screen is way too slow

what's your current resolution? change it from system settings->display and monitor. have you installed proper video drivers?
for the start screen,disabling the desktop effects from system settings may help


well, i tried it out, worked good,

i think i am expecting too much from kde. dont take this personally, but sorry, kde is not my style.


Perhaps it sucks for him and it is his personal opinion. Even I don't like KDE, but that doesn't mean it sucks for you guys. Neither of you guys are wrong in your sense. This is just like talking about likes and dislikes of food items:
I say ice-cream sucks, you say it is sweeeet and "perhaps I'm not 20 years old"!
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Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Move on please guys.

Most of your problems are solvable Doomgiver. Also try disabling the 3D in Kwin as it may give few problems with certain graphics drivers.
Regarding Shutdown, are you sure that you're using KDM as Login Manager?

I am fully in support of this.
Yup. I can understand though KDE not being a cup of tea for some people, personally it ain't for me either, at least not yet. That doesn't mean you can call it "it sux", it is like dismissing a browser you don't like as a "Page Loader". ;)


ok, i clarify, when i said "it 'sux'" i meant, it sucks for me, not it sucks in general.
i was just expressing my experience of it, and it didnt mean that it was actually sucky or whatever.

yes, most of my problems are solvable, but i've decided to go the openbox way.
there's an openbox/xfce page im looking at right now, and a plain openbox one too.
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