@Ronnie: Let me give a fair picture of WB politics.
This is the ugly face of politics and how low one can go for their benefits. WIth the quarrel between the CPM and Trinamool, there came a point where Trinamool agreed with the proposal given by the Govt but had the project came up at Singur, Mamata Banerjee would have become too popular in WB. So CPM played their dual nature perfectly. On one side, the Govt said , "Look we want this project to come up in Singur but Trinamool is blocking it." And on the other side, had they really agreed with Mamata, CPM would be in jeopardy, as the fame and love for Mamata would be sky-rocketed.
CPM double crossed Trinamool and put all the blame on her party for this fiasco.
If anybody ask the Govt, they would put up a brave face that we wanted this deal but Mamata put a road block. Its quite easy for CPM to behave this way.
Being closer to home, we know far better how Communist work here in WB and I dont give a damn about the so called English Media (bunch of testostrone filled donkeys they are) who just wants to play a neutral role but fails big time. With this 25 years of CPM rule West Bengal is the den for Gundaas and Dadas with no industrialisation and many units have either wiped out or becaome small.
[highlight]There would be no respite for businessmen class as labours are given too much power. Just carry the red flag of Left Front and you have become the PM of India
Just look at how CPM party bureua is run!! Karat ke baap ka CPM party hai. He doent listen to anyone and fair and equal say is non-existence in CPM.
Trinamool is the same
Both parties have shared the spoils and the party workers have been brainwashed and looted. Idolism is the worst kind of appreciation.
Dont mind the people behind the curtains.
I can go on and on about the political situation of theis Red Brigade,.......hopefully in future you might think deeply and not get your opinion moulded by the media.