suggest some good and active topic for blogging

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Also it is very easy to get discouraged. So blog on a topic you are absolutely passionate about and you won't give a damn whether anybody appreciates it or not. If you are blogging for the sake "earning money online", I will tell you its not worth it.

try and see result . . .


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
Visit digg and see what stories are being frequently makes first page...many will be political related...leave those...take other stuff like...metal gear solid 4 for PS3...whatever news regarding it makes it to first feel the trend ...and create a article with regard to it. And start will get good traffic...remember , copy paste stuff can land your site in junkyard in the city of google pagerank's...
So try to keep it as original as possible...
Pm if you want to know more...


The Devil
Blog about something that interest you. Don't blog just for money. You won't make money that way because:

To make money you need good traffic
Your blog will have traffic only if it is worth reading
Your blog will be worth reading only if you have good contents
You blog will have good contents only if you have knowledge on the subject
You can have knowledge on a subject only if it interest you.

So blog about the topics that interest you.
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