suggest some good and active topic for blogging

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हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
Write on "Reservation" or write about premarital sex(if you are that mature enough), write about taboos, business models, business failures, etc. These are sure o attract traffic behind the scenes.

PS: I am purposely not suggesting you to write about "business success" because over the time, Considering your audience, most people would feel nauseating and unrealistic when you show them roses.


subscribe to good blogs...

and keep your home page as
it has a good algorithm which displays top stories being discussed across the blogoshpere.. see if anything suits your interest and then blog about it :D

if you want india specific stories just drop by a few famous indian blogs * or news sites even would do..

blog about current things that interests you.. frequently.. then you will get traffic and if possible write some very original stuff periodically

specific topics cant be suggested bcos everyone's interests are totally different ;)



hell boy
ok ok thanks for the replies........they were really helpful ...more are welcomed...thanks

though the main moto is adsense......
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sorry.. having the moto as adsense wont help... pick out a subject then blog about it... you will get people.. then adsense stuff will automatically happen ;)



Journeyman too..a newbie in blogging....but lemme tell u....start something unique....and keep promoting it to ur extreme....:D


left this forum longback
Yes!Linux and FOSS blogs are really hot!

why not a automobile related blog(focus on India)?for eg:bikes,cars etc :)
religious blog :-
For eg: Ganesha,the Vigneshwar(Ganpati bappa Morya),Tiroopathi,sabrimala etc etc
Jesus,The Lord! blog!
etc etc :D
no majaaks yaar!really these topics are nice!
I had registered a new blog specially focussing on my Linux experience.but reluctant to post though ;)


left this forum longback
^well,I had a blog for Linux early,now I abandon ship that blog, a Vellakkari/Gori got that blog now :lol:
this was my early blog:


hell boy
thanks will start a blog
1. automobiles and bikes focused on india
2. video games not linux cause i am not in touch with it
tell which would b better


2. is easier than 1. but 1. is better

1. would be better for Indian audience.. you will also get a lot of people as automobiles have not much blogs..

2. would get a lot of international audience but there are a zillion blogs related to gaming so you need to be much committed..



Wise Old Crow
If you do some good designing work, then you can display your art in the blog.
I have mine in DeviantArt...but stopped updating it as I haven't done any designing work as of now.


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
its easy to create blog but hard to maintain it . . .
Also it is very easy to get discouraged. So blog on a topic you are absolutely passionate about and you won't give a damn whether anybody appreciates it or not. If you are blogging for the sake "earning money online", I will tell you its not worth it.
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