Suggest PC Configuration


Right off the assembly line
1. What is the purpose of the computer?
A: high gaming, 3d rendering (like using max, maya)

2. What is your MAX budget?
A: 40-45k

3. Planning to overclock?
A: Yes

4. Which OS are you planning to use?
A: w 7 64 bit

5. How much hard drive space is needed?
A: yes, i need (1TB)

6:What resolution will the screen run at & whats the size of the screen you want? If you already want have one and want to use it, mention its resolution and size.
A: Already have monitor, Samsung 943n wax

7: How would you rate your hardware knowledge from the count of 1-10? (1 being the lowest, 5 being you are somewhat in sync with the current performers and 10 being the highest)
A: 8

8.When are you planning to buy the system?
A: in this month

9.Are you one of the types looking out for "future proof" configurations?
A: yes

10. Are there going to be any components that you don't want to include in this new rig? If yes, do mention.
A: I dont need these - mouse, keyboard, monitor, dvd drive, speakers

11. Which city do you live in and are you open to buying from shops from other city/states?
A: Delhi

please suggest my asap



Human Spambot
Component | Make | Price Processor |Intel Core i5 2500k|10800
Motherboard |MSI Z68 GD-55|8700
RAM |Gskill Ripjaws X F3-12800CL9S-4GBXL|1650
Graphic Card |MSI N560TI HAWK|14000
HDD |Seagate 1TB 7200.12|2800
PSU |Seasonic S12II 520|3500
Case |NZXT Gamma|2000
Total ||43500

If u need UPS,
Intex 1KVA|1800

For future proof,

Corsair GS600|4000
or |
Seasonic S12II 620|4600

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
my suggestion -

Component | Make | Price Processor |Intel Core i5 2500k|11450
Motherboard |Asus P8Z68-M PRO|8900
RAM |Gskill Ripjaws X F3-12800CL9S-4GBXL|1650
Graphic Card |Sapphire HD 6950 Dirt3 Edition 2GB|15250
HDD |Seagate 1TB 7200.12|2900
PSU |Corsair GS600|4000
Case |NZXT GAMMA|2000
| Total |46150


laborare est orare
Yes, AMD APP (previously ATI stream) also provides support for GPU accelerated processing and is supported by all the major rendering and designing software like Maya, 3D Studio Max etc. In fact for some applications like Media file Encoding/Decoding, AMD APP provides better output quality.


Human Spambot
Nvidia supports cuda and opencl, amd supports opencl.. So are u sure AMD would be a better choice?


laborare est orare
Megamind, please check the GPU support list of the renderring software. You'll find almost all the AMD cards are supported using either APP or OpenCl or Both.


Human Spambot
Megamind, please check the GPU support list of the renderring software. You'll find almost all the AMD cards are supported using either APP or OpenCl or Both.

Both 6950 n 560TI are not there in the list...

Autodesk - Certified Hardware - Find Graphics Hardware


Right off the assembly line
how is it

Intel Core i5 2500k

Intel p67a

corsair vengeance 8gb(4x2) ddr3 1600mhz

Graphic Card

1TB wd caviar black

cooler master HAF 922

please suggest my asap


Wise Old Owl
Looks Ok to me but the Card you selected is much slower than both 560Ti Hawk & HD 6950 Dirt3 Edition.

If you are cramped on Budget then get a MSI HD6870 Hawk.


Human Spambot
^^Or if its gonna be 6850, get MSI R6850 cyclone PE/OC - 9.5K

@OP, change the RAM to Gskill RipjawsX, Vengeance cause issues with some cpu HSFs

cooler master HAF 922

Other options,
Corsair carbide 400R - 5K
NZXT Tempest EVO - 5.4K
NZXT Phantom - 7.1K
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