niraj trehan
good old days isnt it??
U reminded me of my lonely (ofcourse i have my sister but is 8 yrs younger to me and I had looked after her) days of those catridge games..
My mom used to hide any of the connecting wire of the gaming system daily when she used to go for her evening walk. She wanted me to look after my little sister while she was away. And I used to spend half an hr searching for the wire daily and play for 20 min and put back the wire in the same place (positioned exactly the same way as she left it) before she is back.
the search was unavoidable as she changes the hiding place daily as she knew i will search for it.
I was a bondhu who never realized that she was having fun with me by changing the places and even though I keep the wire back before she is back from the walk, I always felt she never knew about it
For all the 1 hr my sister used to enjoy me carrying her and placing her on my lap while playing.. the worst part was when she used to plunge onto the gamepad chords.long gone those days
Simply loved ur post mate !!!