Well well,
75K to 80K !!!
Well am not sure about the current price, but if i were with his budget i wouldn't wait for nehelam or X58, instead go for the ones running the market rite now.
It would be like...
Any good X48 motherboard with just 3 16X crossfire slots.
640GB HDD with 32MB cache
24" Dell
2 HD 4870s (2X1GB) (manually over clocked

) with water cooling kit (yeah... not the X2 one)
1 8600GT or better just for the nVidia CUDA and PhysX. (I have seen reviews, dont remember where this actually works).
4 GB corsair DDR3 ram
corsair 1000W PSU and CM cabby
Logitec G5 series mouse and keyboard.
OOps might have overshot budget..
MSI P45 Platinum Zilent
24" Dell
1 4850X2 2GB GDDR3
1 8600GT DDR3
4GB Corsair DDR3
cooler master cabby with 750 W PSU
Razer Keyboard Mouse Pair.
4850X2 is gonna be a lot cheaper than GTX280 with a lot better eprformance. I am not sure about other games, but i saw the benchmarks for FarCry 2 and Crysis... the so called NVIDIA favouring games... and its better than 280 in those games. I have a clear winner in my eyes. For old games that do not support crossfire... you would get too high a frame rate with a single HD4850 itself taht you would never miss the other graphics core.