Studying tips

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The cake is a lie!!!
Instead of Complete cramming, remembering the key points helps. I mostly read the books and underline the imp looking points for later a fast revision.

Revision is very important as we tend to forget a lot over a period of days.

If all else fails then its time to make use of Fakology and pray to god that the xaminer doesnt reads the answer line by line :D


* Teh Flirt King *
The_Devil_Himself said:
start studying 6-7 hours before exam......mug up as much as you can.......cram some examples if you think they are important........give the exam.......cheat a lil bit..........get 50-60% marks........enjoy.......tell your parents that you passed every subject while most peeps in your class flunked one or more.

Tried and tested formula......I've been using it since ages.

Using this from ages. :D

Seriously What I use is :- Start studying at the end time....Tention me sab yaad ho jata hai...
In tention my mind run faster (then ferrari:D). So I can complete even 4 outta 5 chapters in just one whole night.


NP : Crysis
The_Devil_Himself said:
start studying 6-7 hours before exam......mug up as much as you can.......cram some examples if you think they are important........give the exam.......cheat a lil bit..........get 50-60% marks........enjoy.......tell your parents that you passed every subject while most peeps in your class flunked one or more.

Tried and tested formula......I've been using it since ages.

hats off to u...:D thts a gud formula. i love it


Evil Genius
Job searching time pe waat lagegi...or master's admissions time for that matter...wait, how old are you again?


Staff member
iNFiNiTE said:
Instead of Complete cramming, remembering the key points helps. I mostly read the books and underline the imp looking points for later a fast revision.

Revision is very important as we tend to forget a lot over a period of days.

If all else fails then its time to make use of Fakology and pray to god that the xaminer doesnt reads the answer line by line :D

revision is important to get marks above the golden line.


die blizzard die! D3?
faraaz said:
Job searching time pe waat lagegi...or master's admissions time for that matter...wait, how old are you again?
Im in 3rd semester engg. right now.And as you know we have entrance exam for most master's program so I need not worry about my grades that much(I think I will manage 65-70% marks in my engineering anyway).
Job----TCS hai na.hehehe.
The_Devil_Himself said:
start studying 6-7 hours before exam......mug up as much as you can.......cram some examples if you think they are important........give the exam.......cheat a lil bit..........get 50-60% marks........enjoy.......tell your parents that you passed every subject while most peeps in your class flunked one or more.

Tried and tested formula......I've been using it since ages.

i do the same.
a bit of dif is that i get 70-80% and sometimes more.
nowadays i dont study at al but got to study coz my exams are starting from nov 26.
poor me


Well I follow two things
1. Dont study for more than one hour continuosly give a break in between
2 .Write down what you study.


Evil Genius
@The_Devil: Dude...that's not a safe attitude to take!! I know that some friends of mine who are in RV College, Bangalore got offers from TCS also, but as Software Developers or Software Testers and things like that. But because of certain factors such as lack of project availability, high hiring rates etc, they subsequently get laid off and then have troubles getting other jobs again.

Sooo...moral of the story...don't get too reliant on job offers and things like need to be able to leverage a job for yourself based solely on your academic qualifications. Or not...I dunno...depends from person to person I guess, but personally I'd be REALLY uncomfortable unless I KNEW that my grades are good enough to get me a job with companies who give importance to them.


die blizzard die! D3?
^^I know but educational system in India stinks.TCS is the worst company you can think of joining after engg.I know if you get sacked from TCS it is very hard to get job anywhere.
Your grades and the job you get have little to do with each other(if anything at all) IMO.Whatever I have planned to do PG......I will be giving GATE next year....Looks Like I will have to start working hard very soon.hehe.Its not that I am against studying or anything.......I love programming.......but some of the subjects seems too unrealistic\not related and then I feel forced to do something against my will.Complex Emotions.Life sux,


Evil Genius
Dude...I can understand. For example, after my 12th standard, I was admitted to University of California, San Diego for Electronics Engineering...that too with 30% scholarship! Can you imagine? But then I had to give that up and go to Australia to do Horticulture. Why horticulture? Lot of backstory to that, so lets not get into it right now. Lets just say I didn't have a choice and was forced to do that. I had not even done Biology in my 12th standard!!

So I definitely know what its like to be forced to study something you are not interested in and you see as a waste of your time. But at the end of the day,success only comes if you are able to perform. So, you just have to hunker down and start getting results. :p


Right off the assembly line
Maths my fav subject and the most easiest subject if understood logically. Mugging up never works in mathematics


study continuously for atleast 3 hrs bcz most exams are more than 2hrs so we have to develop concentration for 3 hrs


left this forum longback
tx5000 said:
Maths my fav subject and the most easiest subject if understood logically. Mugging up never works in mathematics
I like Maths.but i fail to remember basic formula's and confuse between different types esp theory of equations,trigonometry,Integration,differentiation computer slang,i have my cache memory not perfect:),the thing is i CAN do problems put down by tutor while in tution,but forgets easily.tutor is saying i am slow in Math,but understands well.afterall it is more than 10 years after my PDC,pre-degree course(yes u guys call it +2).my basic on Math are gone :cry: got arrear papers of Math in Engineering yet to clear.being sloow like a snail to finish known problems makes me fail Math.for now,i just write the question and some cr@p and exits exam hall as it is embarrassing to sit without any knowledge and memory :(
I know this sounds weird. :( :( :(

Count Dracula

Lol I agree with Quiz_Master.But this won't keep you up for a longer.Thank God, I am just in 7Th Standard,Or I'd fu*k up,If I follow this same tradition.It all depends on the persons capacity,actually.

Some are gifted,some are not.If you are gifted or not does not matter.What matters is your Hardwork and Spirit towards it.I know I can finish the whole exam portion in 4 hours before the exams day ( I can seriously do so) but it won't work for everyone.And remember studying isn't everything.You can take up sports or something.I even bet I get to be in the Indian Cricket Team If I even don't study at all! (Ok enough of boasting myself,Back to bed,Goodnight and Happy Diwali).
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