
﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿ O'RLY?
Re: Steam related discussions

I wanna try.. but cannot access steam now. If you have some extra invites.. keep one for me. I will be available after 8.

Digital Fragger

A Functioning God
Re: Steam related discussions

How do you guys get "invites" and free cd-keys on steam
i don't think anyone would get anything free unless you are a reviewer. :p
but you can spend smart and use steam trading to exchange those extra copies of games that none of your friends want instead of buying all by yourselves.
steam trading economy is funny. all $5 games are not $5. for eg games like the ship, nuclear dawn are worthless compared to others. get some knowledge of current value of a particular game before trading anything.

r/steamgameswap is a good place to start if you have not done any trades outside your friends list before. beware of scammers though

Update: All invites gone. saved 2 for desmond and arijit.

Update: got couple more invites.. gone.
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Steam High Templar
Re: Steam related discussions


Yesterday, i downloaded 1.2 GB out of 3.1GB of Dota 2 on my pitiful speed of 64KBps,paused it and went to sleep.
Today,I wake up,start my PC,start steam,resume downloading DOTA 2,

And it starts downloading from the beginning!(0MB/3.1GB) My 1.2 GB of downloaded data has vanished! :cryeyesout:
Please can someone help me?


Steam High Templar
Re: Steam related discussions

Yay! I got a STC Beta invite(Thanks to Skud) :D :hyper::bananana:

I just have a question,I joined the Steam Trading Cards Group on May 17,And they've been steadily adding 50,000 members to the beta per day,So will i get more beta invites as a part of the next 50,000 who will be added or i won't get any as i already am a part of the STC Beta?
If i get more beta invites I will share them with you guys on TDF


Legend Never Ends
Re: Steam related discussions

@Commander the DOTA 2 may have received a update overnight and hence download restarted.
Happened with my TF2 many times.

Digital Fragger

A Functioning God
Re: Steam related discussions

@Commander.. not sure, i haven't got any extra invites from next invite waves. anyways it'll go open beta in few days just like community beta.


Simply a DIGITian
Staff member
Re: Steam related discussions

Anyone using Steam under Win 8? I'm having problem running Steam on Win 8. After installing, it starts updating itself, but after few mins, it fails stating "Steam couldn't connect to internet...". I tried googling, but the solutions of Regedit, and deleting files from Steam Folder is not working :(

Digital Fragger

A Functioning God
Re: Steam related discussions

i think they are almost equal. maybe 9:10 for dota2:tf2. check the trading forums.

seems like this is the worst community update ever shipped by valve. total money grab.
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Wise Old Owl
Re: Steam related discussions

Downloading arkham city goty ( 17.5 gb) , after 2 GB download , i closed my pc , now it started downloading again from beginning . i can see the downloaded file in my HDD . Any way to resume from where i left ?


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Re: Steam related discussions

Downloading arkham city goty ( 17.5 gb) , after 2 GB download , i closed my pc , now it started downloading again from beginning . i can see the downloaded file in my HDD . Any way to resume from where i left ?

Something like this rarely happens. It usually shows that it is downloading from the beginning, but after sometime, it will resume from where it left off. Just keep downloading and it will be fine.


The Power of x480
Staff member
Re: Steam related discussions

I am having a problem while trying to use the same steam folder in two OSes. I guess, some might help.

So I have Steam installed in Win 7. I wanted to run Portal 2, in XP, so that I get better FPS (I have a mediocre PC, as of now). So I went to XP and created a symlink of the steam folder of Win 7 in XP's program files. (You can think of symlink as just copying the steam directory of Win 7 to XP). Then I launched Steam. Some games plays well. But Portal 2 crashes after the initial loading part.

Is there some other requirement that I need to fulfill, to play Portal 2 on XP? I have updated catalyst drivers and steam. Any ideas?
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