Steam High Templar
Two free games every month, I'd happily pay for PS+, if I ever intend to buy one.
Any game?
Two free games every month, I'd happily pay for PS+, if I ever intend to buy one.
Any game?
I think after they get a solid user-base(which they will) greed will take over and you will get 2 crap free games per month
That,We will see....![]()
I second thatSo I deiced to watch every single direct live before commenting on each compnay's performances.
Over here, Sony, EA and Ubi are relevant so:
EA's display was interesting, although not at all exciting. They seem to have copied concepts from Drive Club for their NFS: Rivals game. The new EA Sports engine is pretty good and I especially liked how various animations integrate with each other to create seamless transitions. Also nice was the new collision system being used in EA's UFC game.
Ubisoft had a better showing than EA. Even their cacing game The Crew seems to copy concepts from Drive Club. I didn't like the new Splinter Cell, although the new Rayman was awesome. Their Mighty Quest for Loot looks like a very, very interesting concept and I would like to see more of it in action. The new Rocksmith is decent too. The biggest negative was their tie-up with microshaft for that "Rabbids Invasion was a completely lame-arse concept, and does not really work as they described it would.
Sony's E3 was the best of them all. Right from the get-go they were taking lots and lots of pot-shots at Microsoft ("our console is firstly a gaming console... [and] contains features that are useful"). They announced lots of new games, some very interesting and some not so much. Diablo III was one of the lamest (nobody clapped). While they had a sizable number of exclusives, many of their indie games were not and some are also coming to PC and Wii U. In the end they totally slam-dunked Microsoft, because of the way they announced their used games, internet policies and price! When I first saw the console, I thought "Okay, what are they doing showing an Xrhombus to us?" It looks sleeker but as fugly as the Xbox one. I also thought, "Did AMD design them or something?".
Like I saw in one picture:
Like they said, "We're hoping that people will be proud to own our console."
Oddly enough, all three console makers have managed to release ugly consoles this year. The fat PS3 literally looks like a work of art compared to the PS4.
Another disappointment was that online multiplayer requires PS+. My problem is that I don't want to make a visit to the bank every month just to fill a $5 [or Canadian Dollar/Indian Rupee equivalent amount]. Sure I could use PSN prepaid cards, but come on, we don't have them in India. And the near-Euro levels (when the rupee was stable) exchange rate against the US dollar nowadays makes it even worse. I just hope the console is priced right in India, or many gamers here will be affected. I want to see a ~25k price in the Indian market.
I also heard that the pricing of the console was decided after the M$ E3 conference. I think they just wanted to drive a jackhammer into M$'s already sore arsehole.
I am also sure that sony is making a loss on their console ("it is a very compelling price").
Personally, now I am uncertain about getting a PS4. Main reasons are that the console looks horrible, and online multiplayer requires PS+.
I am also sure that sony is making a loss on their console ("it is a very compelling price").
And you think they are shedding tears of joy at home when people buy their consoles and enjoy the entertainment when they are losing "Sony Empire" on PS4 loses??
The architecture allows them to cut down the prices from "wannabe soaring" (much like people expected it to be, but not in reality) high and still gain the profits. Oh yes!! it surely could have gone the north and they could have made much higher profits, but this time they chose to reap less profits for a larger sales. Its called business strategy.
I do not understand why you have to sigh and be so dismissive.
EG's point is valid and could be true. I'm guessing they're selling at zero profit and banking on PS+ for profits.
But the point is, EG, me or you could be right, we do not know what Sony's strategy is. Would be great to look at each post constructively as opposed to dismissing plausible theories.![]()
And you think they are shedding tears of joy at home when people buy their consoles and enjoy the entertainment when they are losing "Sony Empire" on PS4 loses??
The architecture allows them to cut down the prices from "wannabe soaring" (much like people expected it to be, but not in reality) high and still gain the profits. Oh yes!! it surely could have gone the north and they could have made much higher profits, but this time they chose to reap less profits for a larger sales. Its called business strategy.
Can you please tell me which of the rules did I break by being dismissive about something that I don't wanna approve?
And someone selling their goods for a loss doesn't compliment the word business and I sighed on it. BTW, is sighing a mistake too??
PS:: I got your point in taking each of the post constructively, can you see me pointing out to his entire post and dismissing his opinion if at all??
the PS3 was initially sold at a loss for quite some time, they tried to make up for it through game sales but it didn't help much. so some Business models do make a loss on one end & try to make up for that loss on the other end.And someone selling their goods for a loss doesn't compliment the word business and I sighed on it. BTW, is sighing a mistake too??
Sony did one thing bad.
1)PSN+ subscription for MP? seriously wtf? ARE YOU GUYS M$?
Don't spend the 300 bucks/month on the darn pizza and you'll be fine.
You're never alone on the interwebz.Am I the only one who likes the look of PS4
Am I the only one who likes the look of PS4?
Seriously, how's this
better than this?
Look at dem sharp edges and that alien-tech-like gap. (*