Steelport is the city saints row 3 is set in

Got to play Saints Row 3 I guess.
Anyways, I've started talking with my wallet. The moment I detect any BS by a company, I won't purchase the game. Simple. I didn't get Tomb Raider (new one) either.
EA is one such company which learnt the lesson a hard way, but they're still not ending it. Same for Ubisoft. Making users download huge amounts over internet while falsely claiming the game's internet requirements as "256 kbps connection", making things difficult for users, hiding pre release editions from press review, individual tracking DRM, etc, etc. They've done it all. In an ugly way.
The ugliest was Microsoft's Games for Windows Live or something while installing GTA 4.
I fell in a loop of updating again and again. I updated 4-5 times, but it never let me start the game.
Because Games for Windows live had some bug. I ran GTA IV on probably the 6th or 7th day of my purchase.
So why should I purchase GTA 5? You companies can't make me a customer by giving me problems.
I'd rather play at the shops, where shopkeepers arrange these games anyhow and we just enjoy. They might pirate but that's hardly my business, isn't it?
Now, this game can be renamed
Grand Theft (of) Data 5GB.