Sify Dialer spreads malware

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The Devil's Advocate
i recently re-installed my sify dialler on xp and bang came avast wih a malware warning chk this out ... i wanna take some hard action against sify what should i do ... can digit magazine help me ... or should i contact aaj tak :D




The dumb sify client is so terrible. Lots of ads open once the client is logged. The worst of it i get LogOff Failure!! Invalid session. When i asked the sify why is this happening they said they dont know. Many people are facing this problem. Also this client sometimes say the files are corrupted and needs to be reinstalled but waiting for few mins it will log in properly. I had enough of sify waiting for BSNL.


El mooooo
Could it be false positive? Have you tried some online scanners like jotti?

You should really make sure before you do anything drastic lest you have an egg on your face.


The Devil's Advocate
^^ in other words avast cud b wrong??????????

besides iv already deleted the file
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El mooooo
Of course it can be wrong. It is just a software after all and all the anti-* are notorious to give false positives.


Wise Old Owl
This is a false warning. Sify dialer is completely safe to use.

@thunderbird - Only homepage of SifyMAx opens...there are no more ads than this.

Logoff failure occurs due to if your session was not recorded properly. Sometimes one has a sudden powercut and you don't logoff and the session does not match everytime. Nothing much can be done about it. So leave it. This is neither in our hands nor in Sify's. Sify logs out any user after certain period of inactivity so don't worry about balance going low.


unitechy said:
for me after sifymax some matrimonial site or job site opens up..

Same here.

Sometimes a bit strange happens. I get over 70 blank IE. It happens rarely actually. I have tested comp for all spyware,trojan and other sort of malicious softwares. Could not find any.

Most of the website opens only when i log in to sify client. I feel that Client have some sort of malicious intent.

Only wish i was in US to sue sify. :(


MMO Addict
Recently i ditched Sify. they are charging some Rs. 110 as service charges which is i believe completely illegal. they say it is for maintenance. i don't understand, maintenance cost is a part of business which they should do from their revenue. why should we pay extra apart from renew charges? looks like they r doing some side income by fooling us... If i had time then definitely i'd have sued sify.


The Devil's Advocate
2 stupid windows which cannot even be trunned off appear ... 1 is sifymax and the other keeps changing these days its an advrt of how easy it is renew ur sify acc.

@navjot logoff failure occurs for me everyday after 12-14 hrs of connectivity after which come what may i have to log off and login again for internet to resume


amitava82 said:
Recently i ditched Sify. they are charging some Rs. 110 as service charges which is i believe completely illegal. they say it is for maintenance. i don't understand, maintenance cost is a part of business which they should do from their revenue. why should we pay extra apart from renew charges? looks like they r doing some side income by fooling us... If i had time then definitely i'd have sued sify.

Same here. Sify is taking so much of money and worst of it has a bad service.
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