Showcase your 3D Animation & artwork

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In the zone
No, it like a good designer like GXhas to wear specks. It would be better that his eyes are really good and dont need to wear any lenses or glases :(
About that sample. I can't upload it to my Geocities site. There ain't enough bandwidth. BTW the scene is a transluscent crystal ball (Blinn material) with two hands (Lambert material) and a plane (Lambert) to catch the shadow plus two point lights. I used Maya Software Renderer to encode the avi at 1024x768 at 32 fps with 2x AA. The same was also rendered at the same settings into IFF images. The video playback is jerky but FCheck playback works fine with the IFF images.

There may be a solution: I can render the whole animation it in JPEG frames but how to convert it to video?


there is no need to render at 1024X768 with 2X AA for video, thats way tooooooo High-def

i don't know about the supersampling of Maya, but for Video 640X480, with Quadratic Anti allising & Hammersley is enough, for fast motion video Max 2.5 is enough, this is in the case of 3D Max, U r going too high man

for video, in Max there is an option to render image sequence, i.e. one image for each frame, this is better then AVI, cos then U can start from the last frame where U left, insted of calculating the whole scene again

save each frame as a tga file, that will be of really high quality, after this, open the Image sequence at the desired frame rate, in Quicktime Pro, or gif movie gear, & convert to a video, for 640X480 Video, mp4 with 384 kbps is enough


well, b'th day is over & so is the party, i m back to 3D Max

i m now working on the exterior scene i was making previously, i just added a sky bckground to it & refined the lights, enabled GI & FG, 20 mins in rendering


i just made an animation in the meantime, with PArray & Fireeffect in a sphere gizmo, tell me how is it, don't compare it with the hollywood animation though



man i m in arena too the course AAAWP.I m in 1 st sem .Someday i will surely make such gud models as u gx saurav and ur work is gr8.One of the guys in my institute made a probaby 10 or 15 minutes video of car going around in a city dunno which software he used it took him 3 months to complete he was rendering on two pcs .How i dunno


1st sem, i will say concentrate really hard on Illustrator & Photoshop, or Corel, which ever U prefer

it's been only 3.5 months me learning Max & the course is running slow, i concentrated a lot on modeling, then now on lightning. U will prevail, just have patience

Rendering with more then one PC is possible, it's called Render farm, where many PC's work together to calculate

I have a friend, whose cyber cafe consists of AthlonXP 2000+ CPU X 10 all having 256 MB DDR266 memory & onboard gfx, i sometime use it as a render farm to do heavy rendering


oh so he looked very funny running frm one pc to another and he said he was rendering one pc and other half in other pc.Actually we were to learn photoshop but after upgrading to XP .They waited for headoffice to give CD for photoshop(Why i dunno).So in this process our whole 2 sem is over because of photoshop being extended(we learnt sounde forge,director mx,storyboarding).i am making small game in director mx too


hmm i made a few projects in Director MX in 2nd sem, have a look, ennonmai helped me a lot in this

the script for voulme slider is written compleately by me, baed on the inbuilt volume slider script

Download My GX amp file

Just a simple go to frame method open in IE

Something i made for holi, 2 weeks after director MX started


i refined the animation, this time added bounce, deflectors & gravity, so that it colides to the wall & stops as it happens in reality, although i will still call it beta,

there is only one light in the scene, illuminating everything, m area omni, i will make use of GI & FG later


let me know how it is


& what does that suppose to mean romil

i refined the animation, this time added texture & maps to the walls & floor, & decresed the bounce of floor, so it looks more realistic

The final output was done at 352x288, 1-4 Mitchel AA, as it is enough for this resolution, it took, 5 mins to render a 1.5 second video, having 45 frames, with GI & FG enabled, & only one omni as light source, without GI & FG the rooms becomes dark

have a look, is it better now, pzl suggest what else can i do to it


The rendered file is a Divx video encoded at 352X288 with 768 kbps bitrate, even then with the conversion the floor lost it's roughness compared to uncompressed avi


so many days, human modeling has started in our institute, & we are right now making it with box, so is to make low poly models

first thing, a hand, it's hard for me make with box so I made it out of cylinders, i m making the palm right now, & since i made the fingers in edit poly, i m discardng it & remaking in edit mesh so that i can color them, what do u think



if u r too scared to look that weird fingers, then take a look now

i remodeled the finger with mesh modeling insted of poly, any improvement, the nail is yet to be carved

Top view

Side view


Ambassador of Buzz
Woah i can't belive u guys are drawing like this. Have u guys thought a career for game development or Animation??


well, i have already decided, if it's not MBA then CG Art, more like Animation & movie effects


just another update for the exterior scene, the lightning has to be more sunny & I m now changing the layout of the scene, will be adding pavement in fron of the homes & will add a few trees, along with flowers, as for a proper gardenthe House is not made by me, I downloaded from, all credit goes to the creator for publishing it for free



a huge update, I just re-sorted the whole layout, & added the pavement, the layout is done, now only the shininess of sunlight is left over all the things



Cyborg Agent
Studying human modeling are you? After I made a horrible looking hand in max, I never ventured into organic modelling myself.
But since I have a lot of free time now, I fancied doing that candle scene...only without the candles.
Here's a draft of the scen:

I wanted to make a small cave like tunnel but after some modifications, I made it into a long corridor like place. First I wanted make the entire place out of blocks that make up the wall, but I didn't know how to make each block look different and the scene was too heavy on the memory.
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