Showcase your 3D Animation & artwork

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i just made the football, all by NGonss, it was tough to model it, as it required exect value for roation & size, i took help of some Lightwave Tutorials for making soccerball & made in Max, take a look, render taken at front viewport

now i m making the lightning for the daylight scene, but also thinking of making a 4 light source based night game scene, lets see which givs me better quality



the soccer animation is 50% compleated, i m making the biped animation for the player who will kick the ball, but just rendered a test animation, to check how does the net behaves to the ball hitting it

the quality is sevearly low due to H.264 compression, the scene has lost it's glow at all, U can compare by a still render of the field & the animation, there is a huge difference in quality due to compression of video


Download 200 KB, H.264, requirs quicktime 7 or Quicktime alternative v7

let me know what & where should i improve, it takes me 43 seconds to render one frame for this animation at 1-4 Mitchel Super sampling & FG value of 4000

I m now trying to make the scene more lit by ambiant occulsion map, but that will be rendered in a final version only


kool football dude me is now on premiere pro and it will be flash next so i keep my fingers crossed


yeah me in arena multimedia too if u go back some pages u might find that i told to u that earlier itself


we just got the project in our institute, all the 3D Max batches in the institute are given the same project, to make a 3 mins walkthrough of a whole city

basically, this is a test for our modeling skilles, even if we don't render it, with lights, but modeling & mapping are what is required in it

so far, from the last 10 days, i have been roaming my city & taking pics of evry building i can find, the city is a normal "current world" city, but with a few bells added to make it more efficiant, & now i have started modeling it, the plan for the city is compleated but it's still open for modification,

if u wanna see a closest city like this, take a look the ciities of NFS series, usually all the models are low poly but with mapping they are made what u see, so this is what i intedn to do,

the first models i made is this bridge, this is the main connecting point of the city, there will 3 such bridges in a circular arc, which connects the 3 parts of the city

3D Max 8, Mental ray 3.4, 1X16 Mitchel, Compleate box modeling, using vertex modeling, which is something i prefer now, rendered in 10 seconds, with light GI & FG, modeled in 10 mins. u can take it as alpha 1 version



yeah if u remember i told about a guy using rendering farm was working on the project u r talking about he made a walkthrough of a city


well, good for him, i have to make the whole thing from scratch

here is the compleate layout, i m making the street lights right now



last render for today, i had no idea that mental ray 3.4 with 3D Max 8 is faster then mental ray 3.3 for 3D Max 7, not only the results are as good as v3.3 at half the FG value, but it's also faster

the current scene is the the final layout of the bridge, the red orbs in the sky are my imagination, as the city is futuristic, consider this, the orbes are basically plasma container, & the surface is a red color surface, which with the help of high power lenses embeded in the orb light is actully focused at a point, in this case, 2 street lights for each bridge in both directions, this is highly efficient compared to many small lights, like we have today, more like small sun in night. It is red, so that flying choppers can see it in the sky. the are in the sky, static, cos they are using megnatic force to repel from the ground, the bridge, much Like North-North pole repaltion, it's a woerd idea, but this is theorotically possible, plasma emitting light, like sun

anyway, tell me how it is, Rendered at 1-16 Mitchel, 800 FG, & 800 GI, other optimisations, & glow effect by video post, i will refine later, but right now i have to model rest of the city

the centar stage is unaccessable to general public, & i have decided to make a city control centre tower there, from which U can see the who city, & it houses the vital networks & power supply node info, much like the citadel in half life 2 City 17, but not in-human like that



as soon as i update the render, i delete the lat image posted here, the most recent update is the one next to it, with the orbs


i started modeling on the city core building, i would like suggestion on that,

this render is for the core layout, the bridge are now final, what u r watching is the the final version of bridge, although the materials are temp

i added a base plane, so that u can see how it will look on ground, I added real plasma effect to the orbs with video post, how does the bridge looks, there is only the street lights U see in the scene, they are illuminating the world by final gather & GI, i added a IES Sky though



Cyborg Agent
So 3dsmax 8 is faster? Let me get it then.

And yea, pay attention to proportions gx. unless you wanted the roads to be half-a kilometer across, you need to increase the size of the central tower. otherwise, the plasma balls look cool. But the light coming from them is white and too focussed. So it doesn't look correct. Work on the modelling for now and forget the textures. That's how most artist I've seen proceed. Keep going.


i m scaling it accordingly, the bridge is 2 km long, so the tower will be .5 km tall, 500 Meter

I can't seem to make a good model of it, dam, just tried for 2 hrs & still not a good model, i think my head needs a brake, i m thinking of making a tower building & above it an antena


i did it, finally did it,

3 hrs and I was able to create nothing, then all of a sudden, 40 mins & I created this, atlast i scrapped the old round tower idea, & now making the tower as U see it, kinda edgy, but final version will be different, i made this in paper first, in my drawing book, thats how i m gonna make everything now, let me know how this building looks like, is it is proportion or not, the bridge is 2km long, so accordingly the tower is about .5 km tall



i just modeled a simple traffic light, which i think might not appeal to the overall scape, so i may acrap it later, but as a traffic light it is quite effective & simple, i have made it such that, it will be hanging in the air, by magnetic repultion, have a look, i have also included an animation of how i intend to use the spheres. In case u guys can give me some ideas for traffic lights of the future, let me know



for the video, quicktime 7 is required. Download


this is a huge update, took me 2 days, to model, well, infact 5 hrs if calculated

I made the city residential area buildings, this is some really hig poly mode, & eat a lot of graphics card RAM in viewport, anyway, this is now final, with a few modification here & there, 5 such building in an arc shape will hold the whole population of the city, about 10 lakh people this is huge,

I will render a new full city scene tomorrow with proper ratio, as i got to do other works today, next up is a hospital building, which I will draw tonight.

The idea of traffic light is now scrapped, for now. Take a look & tell me how is the modeling, rendered at draft quality with light tracer & 300 light samples, Default scnaline renderer, one skylight with 1.5 multiplier



just made the power station, this is compleately my imagination, it's a nuclear power station, now i have never seen such plant in my life, neither i know how it works, so i just made a plant, it might look like a rocket :d, but it's not, i will modify the support pillers if required, they are only extruded splines, let me know how the model is & where should i modify it


the top hydra is a light, which will blink during night time so that passing aeroplanes can see it

also given is a full city view, just to show everything, the layout is not this for the final city



Cyborg Agent
It looks cool. But make the body of the power station more "interesting". And the "control tower" building looks too simple (reminds me of mayan pyramids :) ). Add more curves, perhaps.
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