Serious trouble...Help Me Plz !!

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Someone seems to have stolen my password. I checked my mail just yesterday night, n now its gone! i am frantic woth worry.
i tried the "Forgot password" way, i filled in the required information but i just dont remember the "Secret Question", who remembers dat?
Please Help Me , Guys....Just help me out.
n it says that my id has been temporarily disabled for my protection. Jeez...
I feel sick.....!


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Sigh .. Looks like some of you friend could have done it.. using you orkut profile, etc etc, taking clues from it for your secret question..... But looking at your situation it looks like that some one tried to access your account with wrong password many times which made your account locked. Try after a few days...


i dont have a profile on orkut.
by the way, u mentioned dat if sum1 tries to access our id with wrong passwords, it gets blocked, is it true? n do i have any hope of retrieving my id after a few days? or shall i keep trying it?


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
^^^ Yea its true in most of the sites. I myself have locked/lost a account on rediff as I had forgot the password and entered wrong password a few times.
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The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Yea check back after a few days ... or try mailing the helpdesk of you email service provider.
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