finished the game finally!!
@Piyush & Faun
the last stage was freakin awesome !!!
jumping from portal to portal (did they imitate Portal?

the gauss gun wasn't as good as i expected,

some NPC's required 3-4 shots to be killed(not counting headshots)
on the other hand the Vintar was aweeessooomee
i carried 900rounds for it so ended up using it extensively
awesome at sniping, great at point blank range(AP bullets)
i encountered 3 different endings
1)i agreed to be part of the C-Consciousness, they put me in a glass coffin
2)loaded a previous save and had the "raining rubble" ending from wishgranter (I want to be rich!!)
3)And the canonical ending
"i don't know if i was right or wrong,
but i made it, i know i should be thankful"
at last Strelok/Marked One is at peace