Rajasthan Govt. Bans Pornography

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Always in Dreams...
The Rajasthan government alerted by hearing that young boys and girls are seeing explicit content online and terrorists are using internet for most crimes. The Govt. paased a law that every person that goes to Cyber Cafes will have to give all information about him- name, address, age, school\college etc.
then he will be given an Identity card and all the information will be stored about him ! If he sees any restricted content or use internet illegaly, he will be inside " Prison " for a long time. Very good method to stop porn, isn't it ??:wink::wink:


* Teh Flirt King *
Another stupid way of stopping Porn.
Look from the eyes of teenagers yaar.
I think its time they should start sex education in schools.

Porn is bad. But from making it forbidden they are making teenagers more curious about it.
Don't they know how a teenagers mind work.
If a thing is forbidden teens just like to know why it is forbidden. So the above mention move from government will have no effect IMO.

Still I like to know what other Digitians thinks?
And I know its a very sensitive topic and sorry If I said anything wrong here....
Enough said...........


Debian Rocks!
A welcome decision from Rajasthan sarkar.
Now i heard school kids,+2s are using bluetooth to view po*n in mobiles.and these cheap electronic sellers copies this to mobile phones..
^ this is no sex edu..these will make them po*no maniacs


Banning porn will achieve them nothing other than cheap publicity to the politicians.. What will they do to people surfing from their homes...??


left this forum longback
@least some gov "officially" banned it.Oh!:D
btw u'll download torrents as usual na?


The Lord of Death

Kids, say thanks to Rajasthan CM.


Back to l33ching :)
^^No, this is perfectly normal, sisterly love. Effigies would have been burnt only if the other party was a male.


Wise Old Owl
another crap things :p, cant understand why Govt.'s doing such things??? First central Govt. banned FTV for such a program which is running for a long time, and now Rajasthan Govt......


Phenom II X4 920 Owner
they have gone nuts...... they can do girl dancing at their houses but we ppl cant see new things.....dont take me in a Different way guys....
A ban on porn will only mean that now sellers will cell CDs and DVDs at higher rates ....No other effects of such an act...Porn will flourish as usual :p
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