Quick Look at XFX 8400 GS

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Choto Cheeta

OK... Got one XFX Geforce 8400 GS...

Brand : XFX
Model No : PV - T86S - WANG
Quick Details : 256MB DDR-II on board (512 Share), Read More
Price :- Rs. 2750/- + TAX (Kolkata)

DVI Cable : Rs. 900/- (Dont know whether i wan or lost here :p)



Test Setup 1

AMD X2 3600+ (1MB L2) @ 2GHz / Biostar NF61V Micro AM2 / 200 GB SATA-II 8 MB Buffer / 2x1 GB DDR-II 667 at Dual Channel / VG1930wm (19" WideScreen Running at 1440x900) / Default Cabbi 400 Watts SMPS



Test Setup 2

Intel C2D E6600 (3.6 GHz / 4 MB L2) / ASUS P5N-E SLi / 250 GB SATA-II 8 MB Buffer / 4x1 GB DDR-II @ 700 MHz / VG1930WM (19" WideScreen Running at 1440x900) / ColorSit 500 Watts



Test Card 2

XFX 6200 LE 128 MB

Test Card 3

Sharphire ATi x1600 Pro 256 MB

Testing softwares

err... Main problem here, I dont own a lot of games, how ever called a frnd to provide me few which I can test, so,

Games, NFS MW, Spidy 3....

Windows Vista x64 (uptodate)
Windows Vista x86 (uptodate)
Windows XP x64 SP2 (uptodate)
Windows XP x86 SP (uptodate)

Downloaded the latest Drivers from Nvidia Web Site... Motherboards have latest chipset drivers and upto date bios...

PCMark 2007 (thats the least download i can do right now) 86 MB

Windows XP runs quite same in those 3 Cards, nothing special on 8400 GS, in Windows Vista saw in both amd and intel system some how the 64bit version is running far better than x86... yet to find any cause of it...

Personally didnt see any big difference in Vista either with these 3 cards, all runs Areo with ease...

Windows Vista rating with AMD system is 3.0 Graphics and 4.0 Gaming Graphics....

Windows Vista witn Intel setup, here is the picture..


Quite honestly, these numbers are really not showing the real picture... played some game... I heard from my frnds that Spidy is most demanding game, so I wanted to test it and I had NFS MW...

Run NFS MW in both system with Highest of settings no problem... Run Spidy with its default installation settings, still hno problem, but the AMD system developed some problem in its Power cable which connects the SPMS with UPS... so will test tomorrow again with new one ...

6200 LE cant run NFS MW in full settings and forget Spidy... where as ATi x1600 runs Spidy in full settings too....

Played some HD content... 720p and 1080p too, in both case (AMD and Intel) run quite fine... and with all 3 cards, not much a difference... yes 8400 and x1600 pro gave better picture with DVI Interface compare to 6200 in its DVI interface...

PCMark 2007 with 8400 GS Total Score 5396 in Intel System... and here are the individual results...


So my verdict for those who are really week end gamer like me, its a good value for money, certainly those willing to buy motherboard like XFX 650i Ultra, which would need a card to run, this is a must have over 6200 or 7100...

Tell some games which will push the card to its limit !!! :p


* Teh Flirt King *
Nice Cool Review....
Amazing I must say.

Game to test ---
Just Cause!!!

By the way isn't it very cheap...
Gotta suggest this to my friend.
Can you check the compatibility and performance with a 945 with 2 GB system RAM.


No pain....No gain
Nice review saurav. Try playing COH with patch 1.71 and put up some results, it should easily push the card to its limit. There's even a ingame benchmark option available.
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Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

OK.. as Ashwin Suggest FEAR, tried it...

Tried to run at 1152 resolution with every thing high but FPS drops a lot :p same with 1024, where run ok at 800x600 :p...

Dont have that COH with me now, so will have to find it some where else... :p

but with FEAR its 800x600 resolution smoth :D



Good review for guys who want to get support for latest os,old games(like nfs) and want to view some HD content.Very soon i will be posting the review of my brother's system which he bought a month ago but assembled just 2 days ago.
His config-
P5N32-E SLI mobo
C2D e6600 2.4 Ghz
XFX Geforce 8800 GTS 640Mb @513Mhz Core
Segate Barracuda 250 GB SATA(SATA 2 was not available)
Sony AW-G170S
Corsair HX620W power supply

We have already tested the system with 3DMark 05,3DMark 06,Lost Planet Extreme Conditions,Colin Mcrae Dirt,Splinter Cell Double Agent,Serious Sam 2,Adrian Demo.I will also be uploading the pics and videos.Will buy a video cam tomorrow.
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta


sorry bro, dont know any, atleast there is none in my knowledge :(

Harvik780 said:
Good review for guys who want to get support for latest os,old games(like nfs) and want to view some HD content.

Huh ??

No Offence no every one has some heavy money back up to buy high end card, so name a game which this card cant run !!!!

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
gx_saurav said:
Hey choto, is there anything available from ATI or nVIdia for DirectX 10 & AGP cards?

Yep Hd 2600 /2400 XT :D or lower series .. in suffix :) Btw buying 8500 GT make more sense than this when the dif.. is hardly 1k :)
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

@Shashwat Pant

U missed the point, what GX asked was is there any AGP version of Card from any of ATi of Nvidia which supports DX 10 ????
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In the zone
Can u compare these low end cards with IGPs as X3000.....found X3000 better than 690G but cannot make up my mnd as low end Vs IGP
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

Certainly better than X3000... simple test, failed to run NFS MW with highest settings with 965 WH where as this card run at Highest Settings !!!


also a lot difference in Vista performance ratings and PC-Mark score :p


In the zone
thx for the quick reply.....is that with the beta drivers iof X3000 or not ?.....cos beta drivers were much better........so even a very low end card is much better than IGP.....

i noticed quite playable frame rates in lower settings and resolutions in IGPs.......and found almost the same frame rates in same settings in another benchy........so the diffenece comes only when palying high settings and/or resolution.......is this true ?
Choto Cheeta

Choto Cheeta

Certainly I would vote for x1600 Pro.... great Card :D.... come on these 2 are no where to compare... compare x1600 pro with 7600 GT :p
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