Purchased a New IPOD NANO (8 GB). Here is a TECH Review

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I recently purchased an IPOD NANO (8 GB) from an Apple Store in Chicago.

The colour of the gadget is Fiery Red and it looks so stunning. The gadget is a compact music & video player with outstanding music output which is brilliant. The video output is also top notch.
Some of the key usage facts related to the IPOD NANO are :

  1. The ipod comes with a usb connector wire to connect it to the PC. The PC should have "itunes" software loaded to recognize the ipod. The URL address from where the software may be downloaded from is *www.apple.com/itunes
  2. Videos in avi, mpeg, etc. format cannot be transferred to the Ipod directly through the itunes software. You will have to first convert the videos lying on your personal hard drive into Ipod video formats. In my case it is mp4, H.264 format. One of the cool FREE softwares i doscovered on the internet to do the conversion work is Videora Ipod Converter, check out the URL : www.videora.com/en-us/Converter/iPod
  3. Connect your ipod through the usb connector to the PC and then click on itunes software. Now add files to the library section. Then you may drag and drop the selected files on to the IPOD library files folder. The files will be transferred to different folders on their own as per their formats.
  4. Hey guys the ipod Nano i have does not have a battery charger to connect into an electrical socket but instead it starts charging once connected thorugh USB port to the PC.
  5. The gadget is simple to use and can be navigated easily even by a novice like my father (i consider him technology ignorant to some extent).

This was my review of the New IPOD NANO (8 GB). I highly recommend a purchase for this gadget. The price of the IPOD NANO (8 GB) is $ 165.
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I don't see whats wrong with this thread and other threads of this user.
He is following forum guidelines alright.
He posts everything copy pasted from his blog but thats not illegal.
Aryayush and I used to do the same thing and nobody banned us.
Bear with him.
As of now, he just seems to be an over-exited blogger.
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