Aspiring Novelist
rachitboom2 said:Hey dude what do even hough you said that "X-Box can be better than PS2 at FPSes" so what is the advantage ???
I mean FPsec of PS2 is set to get best of gaming experience !!!
Who needs fast improper amount of FPsec !!!
Lol dude.....that was the funniest thing i have ever heard.The Xbox Has got a far superior Hardware specs compared to the Ps2.For Instance Xbox has a 64MB Nvidia GPU running at 233Mhz which has FSAA support whereas compared to Sony's 32MB Gpu clocking at 150Mhz (Read No FSAA).For detailed hardware comparison specs check this site out * and u'll know why Xbox has an edge in terms of Hardware power over the PS2

Btw FPS's Does matter for a game pal.How would u feel if u pay for the game so as to get a smooth gameplay and end up with a console which Lags the game beacuse of Low end Gpu and processor.As such i dun say that Ps2 is all that bad in terms of graphics and FPS count but the fact is fact,Xbox has a clear edge in terms of Ps2 for Graphics processing power.Also as u say that PS2's Fps has been optimised for best gaming exp,well than obviously Xbox too is on the same line or for that matter all console's are set for the best playable exp for the game titles that come up. make up some good points but remember that even not going on the Ps2's large game library titles but the point here is the availibility of the games titles is also an issue.Case1: i asked for Halo 2 in the market and they say they will just have the Pirated copy in a few days whereas the original copy is nowwhere to be found and same goes with Doom 3.Case2:As for the PS2 Just within a few weeks of Gta:SA's release both its original and pirated copies were in stores and got over in a while as well