Excellent Fast Track (-Eng.)
Cheers to Team Digit,
What an assistive Fast Track, I'm really grateful to team Digit who collated such useful sites and complied a Fast Track of that sites for us. It would take months for any student in finding required info. at net, Imagine how utile will be the Fast Track.
Can I ask you a question ?, Its really great that you guys have mentioned sites on most of the topics a student would ever require. Team Digit, hope you guys are aware that English (both written and spoken) is one such subject which can't be ingnored, Pls. can you devote a side of a page in your magazine listing some of the most useful sites on the subject of English(both written and spoken)in your forthcoming issue,would be very much thankful to you if by any means you could give us the needed info. as you had given for many other subject.
I hope you won't ignore the request, as each one of us who read Digit knows, readers requests are as significant for Digit, as Digit is for its readers