also i searched a bit & found these articles which suggest it is not as foolproof as claimed:
[STRIKE]The technically naïve are obvious once we include numbers he forgot to include. His entire claim is subjective - which by itself implies urban myth. Always reject subjective claims as bogus or scams.
Surges created inside a house are how many volts? Single digit. Also called noise. An adjacent and plug-in protector probably has a let-through voltage of 500 volts. That means it does nothing until a transient well exceeds 500 volts. What does it do for appliance generated noise that is typically less than 10 volts? Why did the author forget to include those numbers? Most are that easily manipulated by propaganda. The protector does nothing but rape your pocketbook.
Now, if appliances are creating potentially destructive transients, then the first destroyed appliance is itself. After all, the transient is largest at an appliance that creates it. How often every day do you replaced self destructed appliances?
Third, if appliances were generating those destructive transients, then you are replacing appliances, CFL bulbs, etc hourly. More numbers that expose that article as something akin to a lie. Why did you not ask these damning questions? Why are you not replacing destroyed appliances hourly? Because all appliances already contain protector more robust than those near zero power strips provided.
Nobody said anything about rewiring a building. If your country needs permissions and specially trained experts to upgrade earth ground wires, then your country and its people have no business competing in free markets. You have hyped into complication what should be possible even by informed layman. Obtaining an informed workman should require nothing more than a phone call. After all, do you need government permission to fix broken windows? If you cannot properly earth a 'whole house' protector, then your government is the only reason for surge damage. Attack the problem. That would also example house fires due to plug-in protectors that do not have the necessary protection and that only claim near zero protection.
According to your author, those protectors must be replaced hourly due to damage created by 80% of the spikes created inside the house - using their numbers.
If using plug-in protectors, appliance damage is made easier. If using that completely irresponsible author as a legitimate source, then a serious credibility problem exists. That author lies by hyping single digit volt transients as if thousands of volts. Transients generated inside any house are made irrelevant by protection already inside every appliance including the appliance that generates that tiny noise. That author hyped fear by making claims without specification numbers. Making him and his editor irresponsible.
Show me a household appliance that generates 1000 volt spikes. What does it (and near zero 400 joules protectors that can cause house fires) do when destructive transients (hundreds of thousands of joules) occur? We are now discussing damning numbers - not some author's subjective and wild speculations.[/STRIKE]