Power cut effect on external Hard disk

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Ayush Singh

Right off the assembly line
Hi friends,
I have just bought 1TB WD external (desktop) hard disk.

* Is there any effect of sudden power cut on the external hard disk ? I think the companies should have provided some protection against such abrupt power cuts.

* also i have not created any partition .will it effect the efficiency of HD. what should i do if i want to create a partition (without losing data). I have read Norton partition magic gives this option.

Please guide me.


change is constant!!
* Is there any effect of sudden power cut on the external hard disk ? I think the companies should have provided some protection against such abrupt power cuts.

yes,there will be some effect but that's very very rare, if power goes when the hard disk is full busy in writing data,there may be chance of getting bad sector.
better buy one ups to protect u r PC :)

* also i have not created any partition .will it effect the efficiency of HD. what should i do if i want to create a partition (without losing data). I have read Norton partition magic gives this option.

having 1 TB a single partition!. that's not recommended. atleast create 3 partitions to avoid single point of failure.

Ayush Singh

Right off the assembly line
What Should i do now? I have not created any partition and now i have over 400 GB of data on it. If i want to create a partition now, i will loose my data.

Will Norton Partition magic helps in this case? I have heard of it.
What should be the approx size of each partition?can it be 500GB, 300 GB and 100 GB or of equal sizes?


Point Blanc
yeah, norton partition magic helps and will certainly do the job. BUT IMO if you have got a spare HDD move your data onto it. BTW what is the total size of this HDD, always keep 2-3 partitions,

oh I see its external HDD, make 2 partitions. that is the best you can do, but anyhow you need to protect your HDD from any type of power surge. Though WD/Seagate are very good
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