yup,i bot the goods on 12th of may.gannu_rox said:Hmmm.. It mus be about 14k maxx...
Dude why the prices on May???
Common sense wud tell us its priced around dat at tat point of time na??
BULLZI said:@john
vikash quoted me 12K + vat.
SUPREME told me they bot the card in 18.8K n sold it to me in 19.5K.
they hv told me to come there on Wednesday.They took 3 days time.
u were tellin abt MRP.the card box had no MRP tag.
friend,at 1st i wanted to go to the shop n ask them if somethin went wrong.
if they hv unintentionally done a mistake.
if they r not willin to do nything,then i ll surely hv a go at core central
ur help is really appreciating.thnks buddy.keep it up.
It was a big bulk order. 3-4 of us pooled in and made one big order so the shipping amount was less. I dont know the exact price including shipping.gannu_rox said:We very well know sidewintercomputers...
Wat was the nett price inc of shippin n customs???
sabret00the said:I dunno hw long u r in the PC business but 1 thing I can tell u from my assembling days bout 2-3 years back...it's much deeper than "innocent" mistake...its a lot deeper than that and a lot wider nexus...everyone knws the other there and they do business on active price competiton but maintain a base price which the market ruling forces decide....and if ur buying wat the rest of the market is buying then its ok...they will charge u almost the same as market prices...however if ur buying high end products (as there are very few buyers) the sellers will try to take u for a ride if they figure it out that ur a novice(no offence to anyone in particular)...most of the dealers,salesmen,owners and wholesalers knw me in that market and I knw them very well...hence even if I went to buy a highend product they'll think twice before trying to cheat me...1stly due to the fear of loosing an old customer...and 2ndly they knw I'm well informed than them..will just pay the price and pick up the product...dats it....and as far as Supreme is concerned even I've forgotten how many parts,computers,etc I have bought from them....I knw the whole shop like the back of my hand....
Kniwor said:EP 630 is available for much less around, pls search and buy from a retailer.
royal said:Today i visited the "Apple Shop" in City Centre. When I asked whether they had blank DVDs, to my surprise, I found out that they stocked "Verbatim". When I asked to see one , I was handed a "2x" DVD-R.Can you imagine?I thought things like these had ceased to exist.
I had a strong urge to buy one @Rs. 30 and sell it in eBay as a relic.It is sure to bring a hefty price as an ancient artifact.![]()
janitha said:Pl tell me were I will get antique Blue Ray Discs!