Bought on 10-01-2009 - Rig for my friend (dunno the exact price for all)
E8400 ~ 8500
Abit IP35E ~5500
Kingston 2gb 800mhz ~ 1150
Seage 7200.11 1.5tb - 7500
Pali 9800GTX+ - 11490
LG 22x - 1075
Micrsoft KB/M - 725
Zebronics PRO Blackjack ~ 2900
CM 600w ~ 3600
AL VS 3251 - 3850
Microtek 800 VA Double ~ 2500
Bought that in the evening - the engineer in the shop was not able to fix the CM 600 W with ABIT - the problem is : ABIT IP35E requires a 8 pin connector which Cooler Master 600 W doesn't bundle with. I thought of replacing CM with corsair or Zebronics platinum but thank god the engineer somehow was able to fix the smps with mobo ( I guess he got some kinda connector - didnt look inside cabinet after fixing)
Got the PC only by monday evening ( paid on saturday evening - it was the first time something like this happened while buying an assemble PC)
Rushed back home to install vista - only to know that the computer shuts down after copying the files. Windows installation didnt proceed - everytime time the pc got switched off (not reboot). Didn't figure out the problem on that day (even after a lot of googling)
Later today, my friend told when he had inserted the live OS (linux) it said "thermal shut down". So we were checking for some kinda "power off after certain temp" option in the BIOS - in fact there was one option like that "shut down CPU TEMPERATURE - 98 C" - when i disabled it - everything worked perfectly.
The thing to be noted here is the shutdown CPU temp was "98C" (not to mistake for 98f)
still the computer was shutting down as though the CPU temp was above 98C - dunno what kinda problem is that - dont even know have to fix this problem or should carry on. Will try to contact the abit tech support guy (if there is anything like that) and solve the sensor problem.
Hope this was useful to someone, atleast after this post gets indexed in google