Post Your GNU/Linux Desktop here


Wire muncher!
No Prakash, the Trash icon is of correct size.

arre bhai i have AWN .I wanna know how to add trash and home icon in AWN:D

@anirudh-when is the next version of mac4lin coming?huh?
You need to add AWN applets package. Just search tht net for guides. You get loads of applets for AWN and Trash is one of them. For Home, just create a new AWN launcher with the command: nautilus /home/<usrename> and assign it the home icon. Alternatively you could try dragging and dropping the Home icon from the desktop/Places Menu to AWN.

You cud also remve the firefox/evolution/help shortcuts from the top panel. If you install the awn applets you also get the desktop switcher which can then be removed from the top panel. You can make the panel then empty which would then resemble the clean Mac OS X top panel.

Next version of Mac4Lin will take sometime as I'm very busy with my admission process. The next version will not haf much features in GTK theme, just bug fixes and a small 2-3 feature set, but a new GDM theme among others.

Edit: Sunny! Oops.. you found other bugs!! I need to change the sizes of all those big icons you see on your desktop! :D Resize all of them to 128x128 (sort them by size, so you know when icons are big and need to be resized).

I haf much work for sure then! :))
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Think Zen.
Yep, if you use a previous generation CPU/GPU.

Could you explain please ?
I'm on a P-4 2.4Ghz with 256 Megs of RAM.
Its not the memory usage of AWN I'm concerned with, its the friggin' cpu usage, every time a new app starts, the awn eats upto 100% cpu just to add it to the list on the dock.
Heck , I've even resorted to compiling it , thinking it would help.
Got rid of the very next day.


Proud to be Linux
Could you explain please ?
I'm on a P-4 2.4Ghz with 256 Megs of RAM.
Its not the memory usage of AWN I'm concerned with, its the friggin' cpu usage, every time a new app starts, the awn eats upto 100% cpu just to add it to the list on the dock.
Heck , I've even resorted to compiling it , thinking it would help.
Got rid of the very next day.
hmm.. seems strange.
i compiled awm though cos no debs available for ubuntu64.
believe me it uses 5.2mb mem and almost 2-3% processor when a new app is launched.


Think Zen.
^Hmm, Could you state your config please,
also , are you using it on Gnome?
I compiled the latest version with xfce support.(Hate havin to install gnome deps just for a dock)
Could this have something do with it?


Proud to be Linux
^Hmm, Could you state your config please,
also , are you using it on Gnome?
I compiled the latest version with xfce support.(Hate havin to install gnome deps just for a dock)
Could this have something do with it?

yup on gnome.
i had p4 with 256mb ram until dec2007.the usage of cpu/ram was more or the less same.did not bother me anytime.(actually this is first time i'am checking)
now running it on c2d with 1gb mem.


Think Zen.
^Oh, Hmm.
Well, then i guess its coz of compiling it with xfce support,
Anyways, I've dumped it. Never had a thing for docks anyways.


left this forum longback

hmm.. seems strange.
i compiled awm though cos no debs available for ubuntu64.
believe me it uses 5.2mb mem and almost 2-3% processor when a new app is launched.
amd64 debs are very well available.
u just have to use below repository:
deb * gutsy main
^add it to the /etc/apt/sources.list file.
now remove(make uninstall) the sources compiled awn may be.
sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator-bzr awn-core-applets-bzr awn-manager-bzr
thats it!:p for more info:



I believe I had to compile to get my AWN in Ubuntu GG 64 bit. however does Make , make Insta;; is the compiling process you mentioned if so yes I did do the above steps then. Maybe it wasnt in the repos then? Also the AWN Curves tutorial still shows the need for compiling if the abvoe steps does refer to compiling.


left this forum longback

and more :D


Proud to be Linux
Re: What?

amd64 debs are very well available.
u just have to use below repository:
deb * gutsy main
^add it to the /etc/apt/sources.list file.
now remove(make uninstall) the sources compiled awn may be.
sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator-bzr awn-core-applets-bzr awn-manager-bzr
thats it!:p for more info:

aah...i remember now.
i faced dependency probs while installing debs.
depends on libpango but it is not going to be installed
so compiled.
workin like breeze.

My current Desktop
nice but ie6 in gnu/linux??????
whats the need?
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left this forum longback
@abhinandh:every dependencies are available in Ubuntu repos.may be u shuldve tried sudo apt-get update :D


Juke Box Hero
Boy it sure feels great to be back at my PC after a hiatus of 20 days.

* *​


Juke Box Hero
Thats a neat combo in the gtk theme :) Mind sharing the resources?
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GTK - *

Emerald - *

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