No its not linspire. I will never touch that distro with a 100ft pole. The weather tool you see is superkaramba widget "liquid weather++" and the media player i am using is amaroK. The sound ticker is another widget named soundmania". You can find both of them on kde-look.orgvignesh said:You use Linspire.... What is that weather tool you are using ? Also what media player do you use ? How do I get that song ticker
Thankstech_your_future said:@eddie cool desktop. Is it Gentoo? Tell me how you got it? I am trying to install gentoo once again today.
KDE 3.5 sources are available since quite long and the binaries are provided by almost every distro. Which one are you using? I am not using Xorg 7.0 yet. It is still hard masked on Gentoo and will install it only once it comes under testingtech_your_future said:How did you get kde 3.5? I want to try it out too? And you using X-org 7.0? I guess x-org 7 is needed for compiz and NLD? I wanna try em out. Am looking forward to custominsing my desky using some ideas formk yours.
Ubuntu uses Gnome. liquid weather++ is a widget for superkaramba which in turn requires KDEvignesh said:Where can I find this liquid weather++...I use Ubuntu 5.10 ...