Aspiring Novelist
I guess it's because I don't know much about PPno way nac ...its looking completely unnatural ....and why is that shaded line around the girl ...
u can perform this edit with a pic where there is slight blurry background and you want to increase the blurriness...but not where things are sharp and u want to blur them.
You with compact almost all the time, we get everything in focus and all are sharp.
I guess that grey halo is because of improper use of featheringNac: You might want to blur the edges too (you use a feather setting when selecting).
But even then it's really hard to get the same level of professional feel as you can get with a good lens.
Yes, even if it is possible it will be a time consuming work and with my expertise.........????
Gen, Sure better than mine. She was sitting comfortably on the sofa, for our convenience now she is sitting on stool.
I take this is the best one could get. With my observation/interaction, this is what I get. It's pretty much impossible to get the effect of a quality of glass or it's a time consuming work.