Post Free HD Video sources..

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I came to know about WMV HD few days back and downloaded entire WMV HD Content Showcase from MS site, and hdmovs from APPLE HD GAlLLERY.

Now guys tell me other legal/free sources to download HD videos[720p], which can be downloaded in download manager.

Please don't recomend sites allowing only streaming HD content, I use AirTel GPRS only, not a broadband :cry:


U want to dload HD content over GPRS, dude its going to cost rather high, better to depend on Digit DVDs...


Come on dude, don't u know AirTel GPRS offers unlimited download with Rs 199/- :)
With utorrent+limewire+free download manager I easlily download stuff upto 7/8 GBs per month.

But using FDM gives best speed. So pls post HD Video sources.


Frankly no.. Is this available in Delhi.. Its called Mobile Office i think..Can u tell me some thing about this in details or mebbe point me to info. Can I use it on fone only or pc too by connecting my Nokia 6630 to a laptop???


Of course you can use your N 6630+laptop to use it .And yes it is called AirTel Mobile Office.
U can use Data cable n PC Suite to connect to net using ur cell as a modem as soon as your GPRS is activated.

But the price and download speed differs locationwise. Do check out with other members from Delhi. I pay Rs 199/- with a postpaid connection in Orissa.


So isnt this plan available on prepaid?
If no can anyone tell me about attractive airtel plan in Delhi coz my only motive is MObile office so I can pay a max of 350 (Preferabley Service tax inclusive). I will not make calls or send sms just this unltd mobile office thing and monthly rental in case of a post paid connection.

(Sorry for being Offtopic but do not want post a new thread - I searched and found this thread
but Delhi prices are not mentioned:-()
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my friend downloaded HD movie trailer from apple site... it is something above 200 mb... so better to use broadband...


@kumarmohit, I asked cutomer care at Orissa, they told GPRS is available on prepaid, but monthly charges are Rs 299/- instead of Rs 199/- in postpaid.

Hummm..... I saw the thread...Delhi prices are not mentioned. I guess it must be within Rs 300/-, afterall Delhi is AirTel's home ;) . You can call customer care, & I think you can take a postpaid for GPRS, last month my bill was Rs 455, including all taxes+GPRS+Calls+SMS. I don't have a large friend circle to call & sms to. U see it is within budget. Just squeeze a little, do only necessary calls, & use unlimited net. It should remain within Rs 500/- :)

my friend downloaded HD movie trailer from apple site... it is something above 200 mb... so better to use broadband...

Please read the post before answering. I know HD videos from APPLE site are large, I have downloaded them all. So don't suggest to change my ISP, instead suggest some more HD Video sources if u know, as I am repeatedly asking.


I called the customer care of airtel but as is expected they had not even the faintest idea about mobile office instead they said they havet GPRS service( I know its the same thing but the CCE seemed lost) And the price they told me was 499 rental plus watever data data i transfer up or down will be charged.


Man !! Thats really costly. Broadband must be cheaper than that in Delhi.

Btw which connection u using currently ??


I am using a Shitty (Sify) 256 kbps unltd costs around 1200. Any way I discovered that Dolphin (MTNL's postpaid GSM baby) offers Unltd GPRS @ 349 + taxes. I will go for it since I only need a backup connection considering Sify's service.

Thanks for the info...


Ya, using FDM I get 11/12 KBps in the night, 8/9 KBps in daytime. For limewire its 8/9 KBps everytime, for utorrent its 5/6 KBps.

And normal browsing with Opera, allah malik hai........3/4 max..... sometimes 0.5/1 KBps.........pathetic condition here.

Still night downloading sessions chalu rehega... :)
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