Pornographic websites to be blocked in India


right here
We can't watch porno privately and they will inside the parliament...What if they block torrents also stating it as a main source of porn distribution :shock:


Conversation Architect
you sir force me to dig deeper,and i hope i hurt noone's feelings in the we go,nowadays,whenever i see a couple around me sitting in a park,or in college etc,95% of them aren't in love,most of them are just infatuated and the rest are there for lust,neither of them care about each other's emotional well being,their sole purpose to be in a relationship is to 1)sex,2)posting pouted pictures together on FB and turning every friend's post's goddamn comment section into a "baby,i love you" challenge 4)many more reasons but hardly ever the feeling of dejection you talk about is not like you lost your love,it's like a kid who asked for a lolipop and got denied,our society have engrained this in our brain,that we are men and we will get everything we want,so when we don't get it,we throw acid on them,rape them and if you lack the courage to talk to girl and have a seriously ****ed up mind then you rape 3 year olds,i feel filthy already just by writing this,god help us all(even if i don't kinda believe in god,this line sounds kinda "peacy" so.........)

No offence buddy but You didn't get my point porn alone is not resposible for rapes that is what i posted above.


Excessive happiness
you sir force me to dig deeper,and i hope i hurt noone's feelings in the we go,nowadays,whenever i see a couple around me sitting in a park,or in college etc,95% of them aren't in love,most of them are just infatuated and the rest are there for lust,neither of them care about each other's emotional well being,their sole purpose to be in a relationship is to 1)sex,2)posting pouted pictures together on FB and turning every friend's post's goddamn comment section into a "baby,i love you" challenge 4)many more reasons but hardly ever the feeling of dejection you talk about is not like you lost your love,it's like a kid who asked for a lolipop and got denied,our society have engrained this in our brain,that we are men and we will get everything we want,so when we don't get it,we throw acid on them,rape them and if you lack the courage to talk to girl and have a seriously ****ed up mind then you rape 3 year olds,i feel filthy already just by writing this,god help us all(even if i don't kinda believe in god,this line sounds kinda "peacy" so.........)

That is some serious writing. Although I agree with most part, still I am not convinced that porno alone leads to rape. Lust and craving is coded in our genes.

Now, do we know that if people who lived 1000 years ago raped a girl/child? No.
Does it mean that it didn't happen? No.

Going with this statement, considering 1000 yrs ago, no internet, so no porno, do you still think people raped because of this? Not everyone has fuc*ed up mind, but if one has such mind, he will do crimes regardless of any outside influence.

Me, watching porno for long time but never had any thought to rape someone. In fact, I feel it will eliminate such thoughts from our mind and help maintain the sanity.

Even 50-100 years ago, people get married at age of 15+, and when a guy starts explore the sex world, he have his own partner to do so and this minimized the sex crime rates, but still a few happened(heard from my villagers). So it was never porno alone, but it is the human mind.
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Ambassador of Buzz
If people think banning pornography is gonna solve the issue about rape, it's wish full thinking, what we need is proper approach to educating the young minds about sex and its consequences, sex is so much a part of a normal humans life, we should stop treating it as a taboo, especially considering how sex is used as a marketing tool these days and
With current information explotion, it's essential we point out what is wrong and what is right to younger generation and encourage them to respect and treat each other equally well
I feel banning porn will do more damage than good
As a nation with archaic views about sex,and women, we are sexually deprived and this would simply add to the frustrations

rape is a much bigger issue to deal with it, it's sort of a mental issue

What we see on media is only a very small fraction of what is being reported, and that which might get some viewers or readers for the channel
If you look at the statistics, more than 90% of the time the rapists are known to the victim, like a relative etc

I'll elaborate upon these at a later time, in the mean time it's a good idea to Google why these incidents happen, there are some good articles out there
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Geek in making
So basically in order to avoid rape we should introduce child marriage. :mrgreen:.
Just kidding but on a more serious topic porn never leads to rape if we are talking about a sane mind not a insane one. Plus for many it is a way to control infatuation and let their emotions out. So blocking porn is still not supportive instead I think that Govt is kinda with this pushing the people towards raping by closing all the doors of their outcome.


Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
I think the government should crowdsource this issue to the general public since the general public would be more knowledgeable on this issue as opposed to the 50+ year old babus.

Finland did the same with their copyright law: Finland is crowdsourcing its new copyright law

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Gotta love Finland for this:

Finland is unique: In accordance with a 2012 law, any citizen can create or sign on to a bill using a system called Open Ministry. If it receives 50,000 names in six months, the Finnish Parliament must put it to a vote.


Wise Old Owl
I think the government should crowdsource this issue to the general public since the general public would be more knowledgeable on this issue as opposed to the 50+ year old babus.

Finland did the same with their copyright law: Finland is crowdsourcing its new copyright law

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Gotta love Finland for this:

lol..terrorism will be legal in pakistan..jk

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All I want to know now is that, are the sites blocked now? Will they be? Or that's BS?

Or VPN? lels.

why dont you check it yourselves ? :rolleyes:
open as always ;)


Anything which leads to less crimes should be implemented,porn is considered to be a serious problem among youngsters.if it reduces the abuse.then why should we oppose it! also people who distribute it through cds or by internet cafes should be punished severely too


Excessive happiness
Anything which leads to less crimes should be implemented,porn is considered to be a serious problem among youngsters.if it reduces the abuse.then why should we oppose it! also people who distribute it through cds or by internet cafes should be punished severely too

THIS :facepalm:

You even read before you type? What about the rape's in villages where the internet penetration is none and no cd/dvd content? You still believe porn leads to rape?


Anything which leads to less crimes should be implemented,porn is considered to be a serious problem among youngsters.if it reduces the abuse.then why should we oppose it! also people who distribute it through cds or by internet cafes should be punished severely too

So according to you they should ban movies that have murders and robberies in them so that crimes are reduced. :facepalm:


Excessive happiness
i never said its the only reason.but its the major cause.thts tht i intent to say.

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so u think porn=movies!,i think thy r entirely diffrent,so shouldn't taken in same context

What @jRay is trying to say is, relevant to this topic and should take in same context. If you believe that porn leads to rape, I strongly believe movies lead to lot of murders with new ideas. But can you ban the movies? And can you tell that movies never influenced anyone?

And if we see past few years, criminals started planning for an robbery/murder exactly or somewhat similar manner like in movies. And taking this into consideration, it is clear that movies have such bad influence in our people. But why Govt is not ready to ban such movies? Instead they censor it.

Same way, if you feel certain type of porn harvest bad thoughts in people, censor it. By banning you are fuelling the already burnt mind.


i never said its the only reason.but its the major cause.thts tht i intent to say.

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so u think porn=movies!,i think thy r entirely diffrent,so shouldn't taken in same context

What @jRay is trying to say is, relevant to this topic and should take in same context. If you believe that porn leads to rape, I strongly believe movies lead to lot of murders with new ideas. But can you ban the movies? And can you tell that movies never influenced anyone?

And if we see past few years, criminals started planning for an robbery/murder exactly or somewhat similar manner like in movies. And taking this into consideration, it is clear that movies have such bad influence in our people. But why Govt is not ready to ban such movies? Instead they censor it.

Same way, if you feel certain type of porn harvest bad thoughts in people, censor it. By banning you are fuelling the already burnt mind.
Just as putting disgusting anti-smoking warnings before all movies doesn't influence smokers to quit. Porn doesnt influence rape.


Lost in speed
Same way, if you feel certain type of porn harvest bad thoughts in people, censor it. By banning you are fuelling the already burnt mind.
I actually feel, it won't do anything. If it is banned, it will be it; It will be still the same. People who rape or havnig such thoughts for rape, is not dependent on the internet.


Excessive happiness
Just as putting disgusting anti-smoking warnings before all movies doesn't influence smokers to quit. Porn doesnt influence rape.

I was referring this to [MENTION=289758]singleindian[/MENTION] as he was claiming porn is ONE of the reason for rape.

I actually feel, it won't do anything. If it is banned, it will be it; It will be still the same. People who rape or havnig such thoughts for rape, is not dependent on the internet.

I guess this is what I am trying to say this from my previous post
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