Porn in Windows and Linux

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Wire muncher!
infra : dude why you are always into cutting gx aside..
Not cutting GX aside, just informing people who would use this method to protect their data (confidential/porn whatever) of the danger than if set improperly then it would not be safe.

I'm not comparing the permission system of any OS. Just trying to clear some things :)


left this forum longback
It is very difficult for me to explain UNIX system wide permission setup in One of over 37 years went behind this!
gx sourav said:
How is Unix permission system is better then Windows, all of us Windows users would like to know, care to elaborate.???
Linux offers advanced UNIX file system permissions which in brief can be :
user,groups,others with each having rwx(read,write,execute) option available for setting.also,there is SUID,SGID,Sticky Bits,POSIX ACLs,octal permissions to name a is too complex to get a crack :D It needs time to totally understand UNIX system wide permission system :) it is in simple words :
Linux—and Unix-like systems in general—have a “user, group, other” approach to filesystem permissions at a minimum.[72] This can be seen by typing ls -l in a text terminal on a Linux system. There also Access Control Lists available on some filesystems, which extends the traditional Unix-like permissions system. Security patches like SELinux and PaX add Role-Based Access Controls, which add even finer-grained controls over which users and programs can have access to certain resources or perform certain operations. Some distributions, such as Fedora, CentOS, and Red Hat use SELinux out of the box, although most do not.[73]
Most Linux distributions provide different user accounts for the various daemons.[74] In common practice, user applications are run on unprivileged accounts, to provide Least user access. In some distributions, administrative tasks can only be performed through explicit switching from the user account to the root account (tools such as su and sudo are very common).

and windows:
I just found out about an important security update for Vista: KB943078. Betanews published the related article Microsoft acknowledges Vista kernel elevation vulnerability on December 14, 2007 that links to the Microsoft Security Bulletin MS07-066 - Important. Basically, a vulnerability has been found that enables a trojan to elevate itself to full administrator without the user's knowledge, thereby gaining complete control of the system. (This is what they mean when they say that UAC is not a security boundary.)

While we are on the subject of vulnerabilities, here are some other oldies worth knowing about...

PC World published the article Vista's UAC Warnings Can't be Trusted, Symantec Says on February 22, 2007. Basically this is a vulnerability that tricks a user into thinking it is safe to elevate a process. It does this by tricking the system into displaying the trusted green elevation dialog that indicates that the elevation request is coming from a trusted Windows process rather than from an unknown process (that would be displayed with a yellow/orange title bar). You can see samples of the various elevation dialogs here: Getting Started with User Account Control on Windows Vista

That was followed up by on May 16, 2007 with the article Researcher Reveals 2-Step Vista UAC Hack. This article shows that the theoretical vulnerability found by Symantec could actually be exploited. Remember, that this exploit is a weakness in the design of UAC so it won't be patched like was done with the critical security update above. This is a good reminder that your user population should not be given administrator privileges unnecessarily.

While we're on the topic of weakness in UAC design, you will want to have a look at ZDNet's article Hacker, Microsoft duke it out over Vista design flaw posted February, 2007. It points out the compromises made to Vista's elevation procedures when it comes to installing legacy applications. It is important to note that Vista's requirement that you must be admin to install some of these applications is less secure than XP where sometimes you had the opportunity to install products with only basic user rights.
UAC Vulnerabilites! :D
Vista have UAC(copied from UNIX :lol: ) which may be good,but cannot be as worthy and do not give the complex options that can be set on files.

Because of Microsoft’s aggressive marketing practices, millions of users who have no idea what an operating system is have been using Windows operating systems given to them when they purchased their PCs. Many others are not aware that there are operating systems other than Windows. But you are here reading an article about operating systems, which probably means that you are trying to make conscious OS decisions for home use or for your organizations. In that case, you should at least give Linux/Unix your consideration, especially if the following is relevant in your environment.
Advantages of Unix

- Unix is more flexible and can be installed on many different types of machines, including main-frame computers, supercomputers and micro-computers.
- Unix is more stable and does not go down as often as Windows does, therefore requires less administration and maintenance.
- Unix has greater built-in security and permissions features than Windows.
- Unix possesses much greater processing power than Windows.
- Unix is the leader in serving the Web. About 90% of the Internet relies on Unix operating systems running Apache, the world's most widely used Web server.
- Software upgrades from Microsoft often require the user to purchase new or more hardware or prerequisite software. That is not the case with Unix.
- The mostly free or inexpensive open-source operating systems, such as Linux and BSD, with their flexibility and control, are very attractive to (aspiring) computer wizards. Many of the smartest programmers are developing state-of-the-art software free of charge for the fast growing "open-source movement”.
- Unix also inspires novel approaches to software design, such as solving problems by interconnecting simpler tools instead of creating large monolithic application programs.

and last,but not the least,Vista permission system is a failed copying of UNIX File Permission system :lol:
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Wire muncher!
Prakash, Windows has exactly the same kinda permission system except that it lacks "sudo"; UAC is a very crude implementation of sudo.

Personally I feel no difference in the permission system; just that windows doesn't haf the feature to log in as admin on the fly and do things (for the lack of which UAC has been implemented; albeit badly and needs some time to mature).


left this forum longback
@infra:you better research things man!I know that UAC is Vista's ripping of UNIX sys wide permission system.but failed with vulnerabilities :D

Read some system wide permission article @infra:

who knows what amount of code in these close sourced programs is stolen from open source arena.:rolleyes:

Maybe in sense some close source programs are open source:D

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
gx_saurav -
Not everyone is a MVP to know that stuff. 99.5% of the people use use the method as shown in the first post.
Similarly 99% of linux Newbies don't know about Linux File-System Permissions and won't get to the command-line to modify file permissions.

I myself have set Permissions on my Win XP machine so that my sister does not accidently(or intentionally) delete important files .

Personally I feel no difference in the permission system; just that windows doesn't haf the feature to log in as admin on the fly and do things (for the lack of which UAC has been implemented; albeit badly and needs some time to mature).
Yes windows has the ability to run a program as another user .

Here's the command to do that:
runas /user:{User Name} {Command}

Example: runas /user:Administrator notepad


who knows what amount of code in these close sourced programs is stolen from open source arena.:rolleyes:
These File System Permissions were originally part of UNIX(A Closed Source OS) , their functinoality was implemented by GNU/FSF to make OpenSource UNIX-Like Utilities .

Microsoft has implemented the same concept(of UNIX) in their own way . These concepts were developed by the creators of UNIX and not OpenSource Foundations .

Infact , Microsoft itself Licensed UNIX from AT&T in 1970s and Developed XENIX , soon XENIX was the most-popular UNIX Variant deployed in the Market ! :lol:
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Another Brick in the Wall
Wow. You guys can take a simple TP thread into flame wars and fights.

MS has copied way too many stuffs from OS X. The best part is they've given their developers a copy of Tiger and asked to copy it, which they failed misserabally. Expect Leopard features in Windows 7. :lol:

Zeeshan Quireshi said:
Similarly 99% of linux Newbies don't know about Linux File-System Permissions and won't get to the command-line to modify file permissions.
I'm sure it'll be more than the number of Windows users setting permissions. From what I see *nix users are better informed than their windows counterparts. They might be using *nix out of choice and not something impounded on them.

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
I'm sure it'll be more than the number of Windows users setting permissions. From what I see *nix users are better informed than their windows counterparts. They might be using *nix out of choice and not something impounded on them.
I can assure you that the total number of Windows users using File-System Permissions on their files will be more than the Linux users doing so .

Expect that every time you see a thread comparing windows and Linux :D
Mate i replied only to tell others what i knew and to dismiss some misconceptions . :)


Bah! Why waste so much of time?

Take this (applicable in all operating system just inert the correct command)

ren p0rn.avi whatever.txt or exe or whatever.

Now unless someone actuaky knows the correct extension, he would not know what it is. Even if you leave it on your desktop:)


Tribal Boy

You seems very old ;) like me lol. We were using that trick, also folder zip then extension change.


As we discussed in chat before, things changed in Digit forum a lot. People are blindly supporting OS !! Sounds really funny for me. Its just like they own the OS company. Even a simple joke goes to flame wars and OS wars !!!


Pee into the Wind...
Just use Truecrypt in Windows and chmod 000/chmod 777 in linux.Both will ensure secure and worry-free p0rn-viewing.;)


A nice comment on the source page for this debate:

OK folks, follow along here please.

90% of Windows users arn’t interested in computers, how they work, why they work, best practices, etc… They’re users just like the Linux Guru is a user, however their level of involvement is different, so it’s not a clear comparison.

Take one of the now growing number of Linux users who don’t know how, or why computers work, but enjoy Linux for it’s stability and because someone was nice enough to give them the non M$ option, and they’ll do the “magical folder dance” just like the windows user would.

Likewise, someone interested in computers would have done the file and directory access restrictions on their windows machines just like they would have in Linux.

The Linux / Windows debate is over, now we’re dealing with a war of the “hardcore” vs. “average user”, where the hardcore people refuse to admit that there are people out there who don’t care how a computer works, don’t want to know how it works, only want to use it.

Remember, some people want to disassemble their toaster and put new elements into it to shave their toasting time down or burn pictures into their toast, others just want to put some butter and jam on it and call it a day.

That pretty much sums up what people like me would think.. Windows vs Linux debate mostly concerns above-average involved users.. For people like me, with just a basic knowledge of computers, and for whom getting the job done at the earliest possible time in the simplest way is the major concern, windows, linux, mac all are the same.


You gave been GXified
MS has copied way too many stuffs from OS X. The best part is they've given their developers a copy of Tiger and asked to copy it, which they failed misserabally. Expect Leopard features in Windows 7. :lol:

Don't get me started on this one Grudge, Leopard copied so many features from Windows Vista like.....ah! just use the search fucntion.


The Thread Killer >:)
Well, my friends hides his 'stuff' the same way mentioned in the first post....... to keep it away from the prying eyes of his brother :D
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